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Jack's POV:
I woke up to the sound of screaming coming from downstairs and quickly wiped the sleep out of my eyes and rushed down the stairs Almost tripping a few times. I ran into the kitchen to find Dan yelling at Phil and both of them in tears, "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!!" I heard Dan scream sobbing harder. "But I do Daniel!" "Well clearly you didn't last night when I accidentally said fuck while I tripped! And so as payback you fucking slap me, get drunk and cheat on me?!" Phil started to cry harder. "IM SORRY!!"

Phil raised his voice and Dan flinched when he did. They stopped yelling one Phil saw me standing in the doorway​. Dan turned around and hugged me saying sorry for waking me up. I shook my head and said it was fine. "Can I please stay with you for a few days?" Dan asked me quietly, I nodded and Phil shook his head from anger. "You are not going over to Jack's house!" Phil screamed again. "I'll do what I fucking please now if you'll excuse me in going to go pack, I'll meet you outside jack." Phil glared at me and I frowned and shook my head. I walked up to him pulling him into a hug.

I felt his head fall onto my shoulder as i felt a small warm pool of water fell on it. I sighed and pulled away and wiped his tears away. "Please take good care of him jack.." Phil asked I nodded and hugged him one more time before going to pack my own things.


Once me and Dan were in the car we started to cry again. "I love him so much and he cheated on me.." he began to sob quietly in his hands. I pulled into my driveway and grabbed his stuff as well as mine and I helped him into the house. I took him to the guest room and watched as he lied down on the bed and curled into a ball. I quietly left the room and went to my own room. I layed down on the bed and felt myself drift into a restless sleep.

I was woke up by a tugging on my shirt sleeve. I looked down to see Dan with dried tears on his face and his stuffed bunny in his arms. "I want my daddy.." he said sadly. I smiled a little and nodded. I walked into the guest room and grabbed his stuff. I walked into the kitchen making him a warm sippy and handed it to him. I grabbed his hand as we walked to my car.

I knocked on the big wooden door and watched as a very tired looking Phil opened it. He looked at me then Dan and broke down into tears. "Oh my God Dan im so sorry please come back I need you with me please!" He sobbed harder as Dan pulled him into a hug kissing him. "It's ok daddy I forgive you." I smiled at the two and decided to leave them alone. Phil said thanks and I nodded a you're welcome. I walked to my car and got in. I heard my phone ringing​ and saw the called ID, it was Mark.

(Word count: 609)

... I was gonna do what I did with Dan and Phil to mark and jack be decided I still want to live and im not ready to die. Im just gonna make what happens to them way sadde- I mean whut.... anyway thank you for reading and I'll see y'all later BUH-BYYYEEE!!

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