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Jack's POV:
I woke up to a ding of my phone, I rubbed my eyes sleepily and patted arøund the bed for my teddy since I couldn't sleep without him when I am in little mode. I whimpered a little when I couldn't find him. I got out of bed letting the cold air hit my half naked body as I turned on the light. I grabbed my bag and grabbed mr.teddy out of it. I switched the light back off turning on the bed side table lamp and grabbing my phone. I saw a notification saying Mark had texted me! We had exchanged numbers while we were talking on 'little ones'. I quickly opened my messages and read what he had sent:

Hey love.

Me: Hai! :3

What are you doing? -3-

Taking to you silly! What are you doing? X3

*Märkïmöø💕 Sent a picture*

Märkïmöø💕:*Märkïmöø💕 Sent a picture*

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Taking a bath! :3

It's a bubble bath! I love bubble baths :3 there so warm! And fun X3

Very true baby, what time is it? It seems I
woke you up from sleeping :(

Me: It's oki marki! It's 3:40AM right now :3

Aw! it seems we have different zones xc it's 7:41AM for me ;o;

Awe ;-; where do you live?

L.A :3 wby?

I live in Brighton! It's raining right now and is cold outside xc I hate cold weather!

Well baby when we meet I'll be there to warm you up :3 we wouldn't want my little one to be cold and get sick, now would we?

No ;-;

*Märkïmöø💕 has sent a picture*

Me:Hehe! Stop being so silly and finish your bath Daddy! Also you shouldn't take a bath with your glasses on you silly!!

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Hehe! Stop being so silly and finish your bath Daddy! Also you shouldn't take a bath with your glasses on you silly!!

You're right baby boy. I have to start recording in a few hours anyway! Can't keep the fan waiting :)

Fans? Daddy are you famous?!

Not technically... We will talk about it when we meet in real life but for now just go back to sleep bub ♥ *Märkïmöø💕 has sent a picture*

 We will talk about it when we meet in real life but for now just go back to sleep bub ♥ *Märkïmöø💕 has sent a picture*

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Night baby :3

Me: night daddy! X3!!

Jack's POV:
I snuggled in the covers and held mr.teddy to my chest tightly. I really wish I could meet mark soon.. but I have to wait. I stopped my thoughts so I wouldn't start crying and put my phone back on the night stand. I closed my eyes and fell in a peaceful sleep.

(Word count: 473)
Um... I was gonna publish this tomorrow but someone sent me a really nice message and I decided to post it today! (You know who are are :)) but thank you all so much for reading and I'll see y'all later BUH-BYYYEEE!!

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