E p i l o g u e

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Jack's POV:

It was quiet. Too quiet. I laid on Mark's bed inhaling his scent that was still there from a while ago.

I miss him alot.

I walked downstairs​to the kitchen and grabbed the gallon of milk. It was the last one, I'd have to go grocery shopping soon. I grabbed my glass of milk and my phone and walked to the living room.

Ever since that phone call a year ago it has changed my life. It hasn't been the same ever since.

I scrolled through YouTube quietly, looking for something interesting to watch. I settled in one of Mark's old videos,, I usually watch them when im feeling lonely. It helps to hear his voice.

After a few videos I heard a knock in the door. I got up and opened it to find Mark with his hands full of groceries and sound equipment in a few bags. "Hey babe let me take those for you." I said talking someone of this bags and kissing his cheek letting him.

"Thanks Jackaboy."

A year ago I would've lost him it it wasn't for him getting new lungs at the last moment. I still miss Felix though, he was a good man. He gave mark his lungs for him to live without even telling us. The doctors told us afterwards that it was him who gave mark new lungs.

Once cry found out it tore him apart and drove him to suicide. Me and Mark visit there graves everyday and thank them for everything they have given us. They were both Great people and are dearly missed.

I set the bags ontop of the counter and turned around to find Mark smiling his wide smile and grabbing my hand while playing with the gold band on my ring finger.

We had gotten married a few months ago and haven't been happier since. Sure we had our ups and downs but we still love each other.

"I love you so fucking much Jack, you are my life, my happiness, my life line. If you were to die I'd die along side you. I love you so much I can't explain how much I love you. Im glad I can call you my husband, my best friend, my baby boy, and so many other things. Thank you for choosing me to spend your life with."

I stood there awe struck. "I love you too mark, so much." I said not being able to comprehend how much I love the man in front of me.

He gave me a long but lovingly kiss and pulled me close to his body. I wrapped my arms around his torso and burried my head into his chest. "Forever and always?"

"Forever and always. I love you."

"I love you too."

It's funny you know? If I hadn't chosen mark to be my lover where would I be? Still single and looking for someone to love me? Probably. I love Mark so much.

But yet who would've thought our life together would've started on Little ones.


juwjakwwjwwjjw im crying it's over he's not dead fuck me I can't.

I had so much fun writing this book thank you all for 10k reads and 400+ votes im sobbing.

Happy Halloween everyøne ♥ I hope you guys had a great Halloween.

My final goodbye for this book will be up soon.

I love you all.

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