Wedding Preparations

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Nirvana's POV

It's October and I have been named Editor and cheif. I am still the head graphic designer and Harley is my Co-head graphic designer. We just to Ohio and she is riding with TJ and I in my Jeep, we will be staying at Ashley's. The girls and I will be staying at Ashley's house and the guys at Ryan's house. So I dropped off TJ and I drove off to Ashley's. "What if they don't like me?" Harley said nervously "they will they're my best friends, they are going to love you" I said driving into her drive way. We will be staying here for two weeks.

As I walked in all the girls embraced me. "This is Harley, she is my best friend that works with me at Alternative Press" I said and the girls hugged her "welcome to the Motionless family" Kylie said "thanks, I've been dieing to meet you and Gaia and the Motionless guys, even if I saw them a few months ago" she said and we smiled "we will see them later at the park, now let's get some drinks in" Eva said and bringing out tequila and tall shot glasses.

We went to go play baseball at the park and both guys and girls were tipsy. Even Ricky and Chris that don't even drink. "Hey babe your gonna lose" I said slurring my words "nah girly we gonna win" he said chuckling. I was pretty fast at running and getting to home base, we were losing but then caught up to their score and we ended up winning. We stumbled back to the car but I drove because I was the most sober. I pushed away the guys because they are going to stay with Ryan and the girls with Ashley.

The girls and I had a karaoke night and kept drinking. I was already drunk and I was telling the girls on how I missed Ricky and I wanted to fuck him and how sexy he is. "So call him, just do it" Gaia said "call him now like right now. Hurry" Ashley got anxious and got on top of me. I got my phone and started shushing the girls and dialed his number to see if he answered. "Hello" he answered and my eyes went wide.

Ricky's POV

"Hello" I slurred my words as I answered Nirvana's call. "Nirvana?" I asked "Ricky" she slurred as well, I guess we are both drunk "Ricky I love you" she said "I love you too baby girl" I repsonded. "Ricky, I miss you and you have no idea how bad I want you" she slurred and it made me a little sober and hard "how bad baby girl?" I asked "super bad, come over and I'll show you" she said and I could already picture her stripping for me. My dick hardened "baby girl I wish, but ughh I would want to bang you to death right now and make you scream my name" I said rubbing my dick through my black skinny jeans "mm I would love that daddy" she said and I pulled out my dick and started pumping it. I moaned into the phone and I heard Nirvana moan too.

"Cum daddy I'll let you cum inside me, I crave your touch and your kisses on my body" she said moaning a little while I grunted. I was so close to finishing "moan my name when you finish daddy and I'll lick you clean" she said and I came "oh horror" I moaned really loud and then cleaning myself and staying in the bathroom. So much to go do my business. "Good daddy, I love you and I can't wait to fuck you. I gotta go I love you Rickle Pickle" she said and hung up the phone. The fuck was that, I am sorry TJ but we were drunk hope you don't find out about our little sweet six, six, six that can't be seen. I love you my lil Horror.

Nirvana's POV

I woke up to a banging headache, and no underwear with my fingers smelling like cum. So I walk over to the bathroom to wash my hands and went back to put on some undies. I went to the kitchen to see the girls drinking coffee and eating oatmeal. "Hey lil Horror" Kylie said "girl you fucking moaned Ricky's name last night and saw you masturbating" Harley said "hey guys and what the fuck happened last night?" I asked as I drank my coffee and opened my phone to a dick pic of Ricky's dick.

I legit spit out my coffee "you fucked Ricky over the phone, we were all drunk and so was he" Karina said. "What the fuck, okay TJ can't know about this anyway what is the plans today?" I asked eating and drinking my coffee "today we will go shoe shopping and then go eat and have a movie night and go have some drinks" Eva said and we all smiled "cool, if all you guys have black Nike shoes we should all wear them and we'll look so cool" I said and the girls nodded.

The shoe shopping wasn't that bad. We went to go eat at Wing Stop we all wanted wings, poor Gaia had to buy something else because she is vegan. I sat inbetween Ricky and TJ, I jumped a little in my seat because Ricky started rubbing my thigh as we ate. I did the same thing to him and started rubbing his bulge he had and he had to excuse himself due to him needing release. I internally laughed at the movies the same happened but he never touched me because we could have made it obvious to TJ. When we got home I was flustered "damn, you and Ricky were going at it the whole time" Ashley said "yeah, I have no idea what my problem is" I said drinking a tequila shot.

"You love him but you love TJ and you miss Rickys touch and hold" Eva said and I nodded. We just drank like about two tequila bottles and of course I woke up with a banging headache. We went to buy the stuff we needed for the wedding and went to a karaoke place and went drinking. The weekend was full of drinking and Ryan's parent's had came home from vacations Sunday night. I just woke up to go get the things to make the center pieces for the reception.

I bought the things and went back to the house seeing the girls setting up everything to start them. We should finish by at least wednesday because they're simple. On Wednesday we have to go to a family cook out to Ryan's parent's house before the wedding and then rehearsal on Thursday. They are getting married in like a foresty place and then the reception will be in a ballroom that is small. We invited Slipknot and New Years Day along with Pierce The Veil and Keven.

We are at rehersal and tonight we are going to a club but we will not drink because we have to be sober for the wedding. I was rembering about the cook out I got drunk and then kissed Ricky in the bathroom of Ryan's parent's house. He is the best man and fuck we have to share parts for the wedding and right now I am sitting next to him. We are at the main table with the soon to be bride and grom and he is rubbing my thigh. "Payback lil Horror" he whispered in my ear I groaned and he started rubbing my pussy and took off my thong and I was wearing a dress. He started fingering me and I don't know how in hell I held back moans.

He made me cum and then he started sucking my jucies off his fingers. I rolled my eyes and when rehearsal was finished we ran out and I tried avoiding him and he just winked at me when we made eye contact. At the strip club I got lap danced but I just kind of imagined it was Ricky doing it. When we got hime I made sure everything was packed up for tomorrow and in order. Ughh whats up with me and Ricky? I have TJ and it seems like I have been forgetting about my fiancé. Time to sleep for a big day tomorrow, good night lil Horrors and Ghosts mama loves you.


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