Our Little One Almost Lost the Fight

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*three months later*

Ricky's POV

okay so I can't control Rikki's attitude only at home, and the twins are more spoiled than ever. But I dont get it, Rikki behaves so well with the girls and guys and at school but with us, she doesn't. I feel like she secertly hates us, she doesn't like it when Nirvana or I go for her to school. Oh and she also likes to go over to her friends house more than be at home. I wonder if it's because of the new baby coming.

I will make sure I talk with her and explain that we will not love her less than the twins. That we will love her equally to the twins and the new baby, but for right now, Nirvana has to take care of herself and she has to take care of the twins and the unborn baby. Nirvana has been tired but her first pregnancy was worse, but this pregnancy she has a lot of nausea and wants to throw up every time she gets dizzy or morning sickness. As I go for Rikki to school, Nirv stays home to finish a page for the magazine.

Nirvana's POV

As I get up to go to the bathroom, I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen. I guess I got up too fast, I walk to the down stairs bathroom and do my business. I then saw blood, I shouldn't have cramps or bleeding, or be getting my period. I am pregnant. Another sharp pain goes through me and I scream "Nirvana, baby? Are you okay?" Ricky asks as he comes into the bathroom. "No, I have a huge pain where the baby is, please take me to the hospital" I said as he carried me to the car and the twins were waddling towards the car to get in.

"Mom just breathe, your going to be okay, the baby is going to be fine as well" Rikki says and rubs my shoulder. Ricky straps the twins in their seatbelts and drives off to the hospital. He was holding my hand and rubbing circles on my nuckles and my anxiety level is not sky rocketing yet. I kept calm even if I was in so much pain, we got there in a matter of minutes even it seemed like hours and Ricky carried me out of the car as Rikki got the twins and followed us. "Ma'am please my wife needs a doctor she is in a lot of abdominal pain and she is pregnant please I don't want her to lose the baby" Ricky says almost crying "okay sir, we are going to roll her in and try to stop the abdominal pain and save the baby" the nurse said as I pass out when they placed me on the wheel chair.

Ricky's POV

When the nurses put Nirvana in the wheel chair she passed out and immediately rolled her in. It has been half an hour that she has been in there, the twins fell asleep on Rikki's lap and Rikki is having anxiety. She is so worried about the baby especially Nirvana. "Daddy?" She asks and I look up at her "yes my Lil Ghost?" I asked "I don't want to lose another mom" she says "no my child, nothing is going to happen to mommy or to the baby okay? I promise" I said and she nodded falling asleep as well.

I had called Chris and Ryan telling them what happened and they came right away. The kids were at day-care, Eva and Gaia were working so they were free to come, the others were busy and said that they would come as soon as they can. I was pacing back and forth and it seemed like hours that we waited for news. "Rick calm down, the doctor will here soon don't worry, they will both come out of this safely, she is a fighter we all know this" Chris says and I sit down and sighed Ryan just rubbed my back and was talking with Eva on the phone because she was having an anxiety attack and she was due in a month or less for their new baby.

"Mr. Olson?" The doctor came in "yes? Is the baby okay, how is Nirvana?" I ask "they are both okay, now Mr. Olson, Nirvana has to stay in bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy because there is a high risk of her losing the baby" he said and he paused and I gasped "of course, can we go in and see her? When will she be able to go home?" I asked "you can go see her in room 115 and she can go home today" he says leaving. I wonder if she knows, I hope she took the news okay "Rik, Ry, Chris we can go see Nirvana now" I said and getting one of the twins. SHe woke up and yawned "momma?" She asked "yes Issey we going to see momma" I said as Rikki carried the other sleeping twin.

As we went inside the room, I could tell Nirvana was resting with her eyes closed. She got into that habbit after she had the twins and was feeding them in the middle of the night. "My love?" I asked and she turned around and smiled at me, Morrissey climed on the bed and hugged her right away. "Hey guys, my Ricky" she said with a weak smile "are you ready to go home?" I asked "yes I am, I just have to be in bed rest for the next six months but I mean I could bare with it, as long as our baby is alive" she said and I shed tears "yes my love, now let's go home" I said and went to sign the discharge papers to go home. I wonder if it's another girl because I would love one to look exactly like her. By the way Morrissey looks like me and Casey looks like Nirvana.


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