Lil Ghost

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Ricky's POV

We have a week off and it's the second week of April, the night of Nirvana's birthday she showed me a note Rox wrote to her about Rikki and her apology. We are in California, Nirvana and I made plans to visit Keven and Pierce The Veil and introduce them to our little Rikki. Ryan and I woke up early and went to go get Starbucks for us and Nirvana so she can have some coffee when she wakes up. When we go in I see the pregnant ladies with talking with Ashley and Vinny "why didn't you tell us before?" Eva asked "why are you arguing?" Nirvana asked rubbing her temple and carrying Rikki.

"Because Ash and stupid weird ass Chenzo here didn't tell us that they're pregnant" Gaia said annoyed "oh fuck! Vinny you dirty hoe" Ryan said making me laugh and the pregnant women got more annoyed "congrats guys, you are going to become goth parents" I responded. "Yeep! Me an auntie and Rikki your going to have another cousin" Nirvana squealed and I chuckled,  I went to her side and kissed her forehead.  "Here's your coffee" I handed her the cup "thank you sweetheart" she said kissing my cheek and drinking her coffee. She gave some to Rikki and I smiled, please don't give the kid too much or she will be hyper, I thought to myself. "Alright kiddo, go pick out your clothes we are meeting the rest of your uncles today" Nirvana says "more uncles?" Rikki asked groaning "yes now come on before I ground from not watching anymore scary movies with uncle Ghost and Chris" Nirvana says sternly and I chuckle as they went to go get ready.

Nirvana's POV

"Mommy, I am ready" my little princess twirls a little pinching the ends of her long shirt and lifting it slightly. She was wearing a slipknot shirt, black leggings, vans and her hair down in a beanie which was one I stole from Ricky. "Alright pumpkin, go wait in the living area with whoever is in there while I finish my eyeliner,  mascara and lipstick. I'll be out in about ten minutes" I say and she heads out skipping happily. I sigh because I think Ricky went to go get a rental and Chris went with him. As I finished my make-up and washed my hands I didn't hear Vinny and Rikki playing anymore, I guess they fell asleep.

I grabbed my purse and Rikki's bag when I heard the door open "babe you guys ready yet!?" Ricky asked "yeah, we are" I said as I walked into the living area to find Vinny asleep and the others walking in. I was hoping to see Rikki "was Rikki with one of you guys?" I asked "no, I thought she was with you, why?" Ryan said "well she was playing with Vinny, I thought she had left with you guys or Ricky and Chris" I said "no, babe she wasn't with us" Ricky responds "what the fuck? Where in fucks sakes can she be?" I asked getting pissed off. "Chenzo! Wake up! Where's my daughter?" I asked him sternly "she said she was going to the bathroom and that's when I passed out" he said and I got angry "if I don't find my daughter I swear Vinny Mauro you won't see daylight ever again do you understand me?" Asked him sternly and he nodded.

"Split up to go find her, Eva, Gaia, Ashley and Vinny stay with me please" I said and the others scattered but Ricky kissed my lips before leaving. "Rochelle! Where are you!?" I screamed through the bus as I tried looking for her "Abigail! Olson! Come out I am not playing or you'll be grounded!" I screamed as I checked everywhere. We looked outside near where the bus was parked and at the Starbucks in front of it and showed people pictures of her but she was found no where. "Mommy!" I heard a voice so I turned expecting to see my little girl but it was another child with their mother. I stomped to the bus and sat on the couch "we will find her, Rikki is a fighter she will know what to do if she is lost, you have been teaching her well" Eva said hugging me and I felt a slight better.

Half an hour passed and the others came back "no sign of her, and one person said that maybe they have seen her but didn't really see close enough if she was lost and if the child looked like her" Chris said and I stared crying "I'm such a bad mother, I have failed Rox I hate myself for not taking care of her properly" I say putting my face in my hands. "Let me go try to talk to that person again maybe Rikki passed by there again, it was like a candy store" Chris said and I nodded. Ten minutes later I felt so vulnerable and I could call the cops because it had to be at least 24 hours for her disappearance. I heard the door open and close so my head shot up to see who it was.

"Mommy" the voice said it was her,  it was my baby girl that I longed looking for to see again and hold her in my arms. I dropped to my knees and hugged her as she came towards me "Rochelle Abigail Olson, where in fuck sakes were you?" I asked her "I tried going to look for daddy" she said "by lying to uncle Vinny that you were going to the bathroom?" I asked confused "yeah or he would have not let me go" she responded "you little Satan, don't do that ever again, they could have kidnapped you and next time talk to whoever your with or me okay?" I said kissing her head. "Vinny sorry about what I said earlier" I apologized "that's okay, now as for you Rikki, your new nickname is Lil Ghost because you escaped without making lots of noise and you are silent and scared us to death with this" Vinny said to Rikki, we all agreed. Ricky and I went to go meet up with Pierce The Veil and Keven.

When I saw them of course everyone is married and has two or three kids and of course Fuenciado still exist. It will still exist because of Vic's daughter and Jaime's son even though their a year old there is a spark between them that they will be together forever. Ricky and I made it to the bus safely and saw Ivan with Jacob and their wives there and their kids and his little brother Isaac he was so big he is 11 years old and likes Pierce The Veil as well. They are on tour yes they are still a band and their name is 'After Us' and I am so proud of them for reaching their goal of becoming a touring band and a big band as well. I was happy to spend time with friends and see them happy but most of all I am happy that I was able to retrieve my Lil Ghost from being lost. I love her so much that I will never let her go for anything in the world. I love my daughter Rochelle Abigail Resse Olson.


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