Chapter 5

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Changkyun and I sit in my car as I drove. "Wow you're not very much of a gentleman. I mean like, you're making me drive!" I jokingly say as I drive. He laughs. "The nice things I do are different from driving a girl around." Changkyun replies. I nod my head. "Like what eh?" I ask him. He smirks.

"Like pleasuring her in bed

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"Like pleasuring her in bed." Changkyun says. I roll my eyes. "Believe me. I'm sick just from hearing those words coming out of your mouth." I reply teasingly. "Excuse me? Wait.. DONT TELL ME YOU'RE A VIRGIN!?" Changkyun says before laughing. I scoff at his comment.

Oh believe me.. I ain't a virgin.

"Excuse me? I'm not talking about my sex life to you." I explain. "Okay okay okay. But one question." Changkyun says as he looks at me seriously. I stopped at a red light and look back at him. "Yes?" I ask. "Are you single or taken?" Changkyun asks me. I nod my head.

I was about to answer but then I hear a car behind us honking. I look up and realize it's a green light. So I swiftly continue to drive.

I wasn't going to lie though..

"Okay! So now which turn do I take?" I ask. "Left." Changkyun says as he looks at the map on his phone. I smile. I was excited for a surprise I haven't gotten one recently. Instead I sent one. When Hyungwon saw me FRICKEN naked..

"Okay! We're here." Changkyun says as I pull into a trail parking lot. "We're gonna go hiking?i ask as I park my car. "Well it's not really a hard one. So technically we're just going on a little walk onto a trail." Changkyun explains as we get out of the car.

"But it's a mountain Changkyun. I wasn't prepared for this." I reply as we follow the trail. Changkyun laughs. "Don't worry there's an amazing surprise at the end." Changkyun says as he smiles at me. I smile back.

As we continue to walk I realize it was getting dark. "Changkyun?" I ask as the only sound you can hear in the air was silence and nature sounds like frogs croaking and the fresh air blowing lightly. "Hm?" Changkyun says as he looks at me sincerely. "Why did you take me here so late?" I ask. "It's a surprise I already said." Changkyun replies. I nod.

Okay then.. I guess I'll like it then? We'll see..

Soon we get to the end of the trail. "Now what?" I ask. "It's a mountain there's a certain spot I want to show you." He says. Before I could reply he takes my hand and drags me away. Then he sits me down on a bench in front of the end of the mountain. "Hm?" I say confused. He sits next to me and points forward. I look forward and I gasp in astonishment.

It was a beautiful scenery of Seoul, the city of South Korea.. "told you it's a surprise.." Changkyun whispers. I slowly nod in agreement. "Like it?" He whispers. "Shh." I say as I keep staring at the scenery. Changkyun smiles at me as I stare at it still amazed.

 Changkyun smiles at me as I stare at it still amazed

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"So, Bogsunga?" Changkyun starts. I turn my head to look at him. "How are you?" Changkyun asks me. I smile. "Thanks for asking.. I'm glad there's at least someone here who cares about me.." I mumble. He smiles. I could feel the cool breeze brush against my skin.

"To be honest.. I want this moment to last forever." I say before sighing. Changkyun smiles. "Good. I'm glad you like this." Changkyun says with a considerate smile. "You know what Changkyun?" I ask him. "Mhm?" He answers looking off at the view too.

"I need some advice. What do you do if you're unsure if someone likes you all the way for real or not?" I ask. "What do you mean?" He asks me quickly looking at me in the eyes. I look back at him. "He never kisses me..he rarely touches me.. what do I do? If I want him to take me.. but I'm too scared if I ask it'll be weird or break the bond we have together." I ask him.

He raises an eye brow. "Bogsunga.. we've just met recently. Are you serious?" Changkyun asks confused.

Wait what?! Does he think I'm talking about him?! Ew no! I'm talking about Logan!

"What are you talking about? I'm talking about my boyfriend, Logan." I swiftly reply. "O-oh.. yeah! I know you meant that! Just I was surprised you're asking for my advice so early!" Changkyun replies. I nod my head. "Sorry.. it's just that. You seem like a really good friend. A friend that I can lean on." I say as I hold his warm hand.

"Wow your hands are really cold and little." Changkyun says as he holds my hand back. I laugh a little. "I get that a lot." I reply. "Thank you by the way.. for showing this place to me. I think I may come here at night a lot now because it feels so soothing here.. I think it's practically relieving my stresses and worries." I explain as I look around.

"Me too.." Changkyun mumbles.

"Thank you for showing me the place. I guess I'll see you around!" I say as Changkyun drops me off at my dorm room. "Same to you." He replies. I smile. "Goodnight." I whisper as I wave good bye and go inside my room. Changkyun replies with, "Goodnight to you too Peach Princess.."


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