Chapter 17

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I sigh as i look out the bus window. I was sitting in the city bus on my way home, aka Logan's house. Because before i moved into the college dorms in the beginning of the year i had lived with Logan. So for winter break, Which is right now.. i'm staying at Logan's place for the time being because of my leftover items and belongings there.

I was excited and also a little mad. Excited because when i get home i get to spend time with my beloved ex-teacher and now amazing boyfriend..

I was mad too though.. Mad because he had promised me to tell me everything about what had gone on between my cousin Venus and him. I mean like.. don't you think it would at least be a little hurtful to me? And even not.. why did he lie about it? I mean like.. if it's not something crazy then he should've just told me the truth back then instead of lying there was no reason to lie..

"Hey! You okay?" a man's voice says behind me. I widen my eyes and turn around to see Changkyun. "Oh! Changkyun! It's been awhile huh?" I reply as i look away from the window and look at him who's sitting next to me now. He smiles and nods. "Yeah it's been awhile. I've been busy with my studies and stuff that practically the only thing i've been doing is studying in my dorm room or going to classes. And if i'm not doing those two then i would only be out to buy a snack or take a shower." Changkyun explains. I nod my head understandingly.

"But now that it's winter break i'm free to leave school for a little while. Which is why i'm in the city bus right now to visit my family." Changkyun says while smiling cheerfully. "I noticed you seemed a little down when i first recognized you to be honest.. but what's up?" Changkyun adds.

I sigh. "Nothing much! I'm going off to see my boyfriend.. I lived with him before i went to college so yeah.." I reply not saying much. He raises his eyebrows at me. "How come you seem so down eh?" Changkyun asks worriedly. I sigh. "I don't know.." I mumble. "Well if you ever need a good ol'friend to talk to then i'm here for you." Changkyun says as he puts his arm around my shoulders. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Soon about 15 minutes later my stopped had arrived and i had to leave Changkyun on the bus. "Well thanks for cheering me up a little. I guess i'll see you when we come back to school! Bye." I say before leaving Changkyun in the seat we had sat in.

I sigh as i get off the bus. I shivered immediately as the bus drove away. It was freezing cold and snowing. But of course the city bus's stop wasn't going to be right in front of Logan's house it isn't a school bus.. So i sighed as i had to drag my suitcase with me while walking in the snow.

I whined to myself because of the cold temperatures pinching at my skin and the horrible weight i had to drag all by myself as i was freezing my toes off. If only i had told Logan to wait for me at the bus stop by his house. Then i would at least have somebody to help me warm up. Or maybe he would've carried my suitcase for me if he were here. Ugh Bogsunga.. stop whining in your own mind and just deal with it!

Finally! I was home. I stood there in front of the door and unlock the front door and walk in immediately as i drag my suit case in too. I shake off the snow from my shoes and ankles and take off my scarf as i hung on the coat rake right by the door. I could smell food in the air and i smile and take off my shoes.

The first thing i do is leave my suitcase by the door and immediately go into the kitchen. When i enter the kitchen i see Logan's back facing me as he stands by the stove cooking something in the pot. I smile. How cute. It was almost as if Logan was MY little housewife and i had just come home from a long day of work and decided to sneak up on my BABE. Aka Logan.

I smiled mischievously as i was sneaking up behind him.

When i get close enough i smack his butt from behind and he gasp and widen his eyes as he was surprised he turned around awkwardly but then smiled at the sight of his girlfriend who finally came back home from a long few months of college. "Bogsunga.." He says smiling at me.

He puts down the ladle on the counter and immediately hugs me in his big arms. I smile at him and hug him back happily. When we let go he pecks me real quickly. As he was about to go back to cooking i smack him on the head harshly. "Ow! What was that for?!" He says as he turns around and looks at me again.

I glare at him. "Venus told me about you being such a good tutor back in your guy's high school days eh?" I say being angry all of a sudden. I was excited to see him but i didn't forget about the time when Venus had told me the truth about their relationship back in high school. It's not like a huge deal their relationship was literally just a nerd helping a popular girl with homework. But the fact Logan lied to me about it pissed me off.

"What do you mean?!" Logan whines. "Ugh no don't you dare try to lie to me AGAIN. Okay? I already know you two hung out every single day after school to do studying!" I yell at him as i cross my arms. I may have been tinier and shorter but he knew my personality and it was scary when i was mad.

"Oh come on.. That's what you're mad about?" Logan says as he sighs and looks down on me. "No! That is not what i'm mad about. What i'm mad about is the fact that you didn't tell me. I mean like why did you even lie about not having any sort of relationship with Venus anyways?! There's no point in hiding it.." I mumble starting to feel sad.

He looks at me with his brow furrowed together. "Making that pout face all over again huh? You know you made that exact same face when i first took you to my house when you were 17.." Logan says smiling at me.

(Flash Back)

I slowly and slightly open my eyes. To see a brown wooden ceiling. I rub the back of my head tiredly. It hurt so much.. I must've hit my head when I fainted on the concrete..

"Are you okay Bogsunga?" I hear Logan's voice asks. I slowly sit up and realize I was laying on a bed. I look to my left and see Logan wearing a button up shirt. As he took off his watch and set it on his night stand I looked at his chest.. a few buttons were open and I could see his chest. I bit my lip a little when he yells, "earth to Bogsunga!" I widen my eyes and stop biting my lips.

"Are you okay?" He asks again standing with a distance from me. "U-Uhmm.. yeah.." I mumble as I rub my head. "It's still sore though isn't it?" He asks. I nod my head a little when he comes closer to me. I was about to back away because he had climbed onto the bed next to me but then he starts to rub my head.

I look down and smile a little. Logan was being so sweet..

"Sorry I took you to my house. Because I didn't know where you live." Logan explains as he stops rubbing my head and gets off the bed. Aww.. I wish he was still rubbing my head. It felt so warm and comforting. I sigh.

"So.. this is what Mr. Kang's the young and handsome chemistry teacher's bedroom looks like." I say as I dangle my legs off from the bed but was still sitting on it.

"I guess you could call me handsome i like it." He says. "Haha.. the only thing is.. you're known for your bad jokes." I say as I twirl my hair around my finger. "Well it seems like you're just fine now. How about I take you home." Logan says with a smirk on his face. "Awww no! I wanted to stay though.." I beg. "Come on we're going now." Logan says as he takes my arm and drags me out of the room.

I whine as I try to pull him back. "Gosh! You're being so frustrating!!" Logan says trying to take me down the stairs but I keep pulling his back. "At least let me know your age!" I whine. "Gosh!" Logan yells. I keep pulling him until he finally stops and lets me have him. "Logan. Please." I say. I look up at him with begging puppy eyes.

"If I talk to you like this then I might get in trouble.." Logan says feeling frustrated. "It's okay if you're in trouble. I'm here. I'll take fault." I say as I rub his arm. Logan sighs. "Even if you take fault.. I'm the elder. I get blamed for." Logan explains. "Also.. don't rub me.." he says as he looks down at his arm. I widen my eyes and quickly let go.

(End Of Flash back)

I sigh and finally give in. "Okay.. so i guess there's no reason to be mad then.." I mumble. He nods his head and smiles. "But just so you know if you keep lying to me like this then i maybe or might end up losing all my trust for you!" I say as i glare at him evilly again and points right to him. He chuckles. "Definitely i understand our agreement M'am." He replies in a stern voice pretending to follow orders from me. I smile and he smiles back.

"I'm gonna go and unpack." I say as i start to leave the kitchen. He nods. "I'll be here cooking!" He says as he turns around back to the pot.

How was everybody's Christmas ? ^^ Enjoy..

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