Chapter 18

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I sigh as i run my fingers through Logan's hair. Us two were laying on the bed and smiling at each other while talking.

I was curled up to his chest and his arm was wrapped around me. "Bogsunga, what do you want to do today?" Logan asks me. I sigh. "Well there's not much to do today anyways i mean like it's snowing outside." I reply. Logan sits up which alerts me to sit up too. "What do you mean?! There's stuff you can do still." He whispers in my ear. "Oh yeah? Like what.." I mumble back.

I could feel Logan's warm breath on my neck. Then he kisses me softly on my lips. The weird part is that it almost felt like he was puckering his lips up in a weird motion like he was a blow fish or something. I quickly back away from his face and open my eyes.

I looked at him and he was making a pouty kissy face at me. I looked at him in an odd way and he opens his eyes again. Finally he stops making that face. "What's wrong? Why did you back away from my kiss?" He asks me confusingly. I widen my eyes.

I had just realized something Logan and I have never made out. I mean like, we've had quick pecks and little kisses. But he's never had a love make out session with me before.

"Logan.." I start off slowly. "Yes?" He replies. I straighten myself up a little. "Do you know how to kiss?" I ask him kind of worriedly. He widens his eyes. "Uhm.. well i was kind of confused of what to do but i kind of thought i was doing it right though.." He mumbles blushing already.

I gasp but then start laughing my ass off right away. "O MAH GOSH You don't know how to kiss!" I say clarifying it. "Gosh Bogsunga shut up.. it's embarrassing.." Logan says trying to make his voice sound deeper like a manly man. I giggle as i ruffle his hair around again. "That's okay though because that just means i get to be the teacher for once.. y'know what i mean?" I whisper seductively as i lean closer into him.

He shivers under my breath and i smirk at him. "Then teach me Ms.Lee.." Logan replies. "Well first the basics." I start off. I wrap my arms around his neck and put his hands on my waist as i wrap my legs around him. "It's easy off like this more comfortable eh?" I mumble as i get into position.

Logan just follows along going with the flow. I laugh a little as i hold onto him. "Now the demonstration of the actual act." I whisper before slowly leaning into his lips. I kiss him softly and passionately as a spark of fired up love warms my heart and hopefully his too..

When i let go and lean backing out of his face his eyes looked lazy. He almost seemed confused as he stares at me. "I think i just fell under your love spell.." Logan says staring at me blankly. I couldn't help but laugh. What a dork.. "You must read and watch lots of fantasy eh?" I ask him.

He shakes his head. "Mostly just lord of the rings. Gandalf is bae." Logan replies. I laugh. He really is a dork..

"Alright.. now you demonstrate back to me what i just did to you.." I say. Before anymore words were said he leans into me just like the way i did. And i could feel his warm soft lips bounce onto mine. When he stops kissing me and backs out he gives me this look that has "How did i do?" written all over it.

I giggle. "It was good.." I mumble. "Sweet and passionate just like your's?" He asks me tilting his head the other way. I laugh again. "Yes.." I reply quietly. "Next lesson." I start off with again. Logan nods his head. "This one is a little more hot and steamy definitely a lot more passionate." I say as i smile at him.

I lean in softly as i slightly suck up to his lower lip but not to harshly or obvious. A light nibble at the edge and then i let go. He sighs as i stop kissing him. "I have no words but UGH." Logan acts out. I laugh again. "Can i reply the same actions Ms.Lee?" He asks me with a smirk. I nod my head slowly and he goes in for another kiss.

His kiss was just as slow and passionate as mine but only better. Some how his slight sucks and light nips burn my heart and i could feel butterflies in my stomach. When he stops kissing me we were both out of breath. As i finally find air i breath heavily and so does he.

"Wow you're a natural.. Better than me definitely." I say as i finally catch up on air. He smirks at me deviously.

I couldn't read his facial expression exactly but i could tell he was going in for me. All of a sudden he grabs my waist and flips me over as he hovers over me on the bed that i was now lying on. "May I?" He whispers raspy on my neck as i shivered from his warm breath. I nod my head lightly. As i shut my eyes he kisses me again. Only even more spark fired in my lower stomach.

And then the oddest thing happens that i didn't really mind though. He sticks his tongue in my mouth. I widen my eyes but then slowly shut it again letting him have open entrance into my mouth. I hadn't taught him anything about french kissing yet but still he perfects it.

Our make out was long before both of us stop kissing swimming for air. We breath heavily as we stop kissing. When Logan catches his breath again he looks at me with an evil little smirk. "So who's the real teacher now?" Logan whispers in his breath. I could feel his deep voice vibrating my body.

I smile. "Yes Mr.Kang.. You're my teacher and my lover.." I whispers softly back. He growls under his breath and goes back to kissing me again..

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