Chapter 4 - Anime isn't cool, is it?

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A picture of who I picture JJ as :) Don't know who he is, got the image from google.

- Valentine -

I sat down and waited for the customer and soon enough they arrived. I looked at the clock and saw that It was 2.30pm - they were on time. 

I smiled to myself, Impressive.

It was a young man around twenty years old with chocolate brown hair and blue eyes - a rare combination might I add. He was tall and was well toned. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a white t-shirt with a pair of fresh black Vans on his feet. I also happened to notice that he had one eyebrow piercing in his right eyebrow and a couple of small tattoo's on his arms.

"Hello, I'm booked an appointment here." he told Noah who looked at the appointment book and slowly nodded his head.

"Are you, JJ Dennis?" Noah asked, raising an eyebrow. I knew that he was called JJ Dennis because I looked in that book atleast one million times a day unlike Noah.

JJ nodded, "Yeah, that's me." 

"You are going to be tattooed by Vee, the weirdo over there." Noah told him, pointing over to me. I didn't appreciate him calling me a weirdo but at least he called me by my preffered nickname - Vee. I loved my name but people loved to give me nicknames and I tell people that it's Vee not Val. 

The man laughed and began to walk over to me. Noah is great at making customers feel more comfortable even if that meant insulting us. 

"Hello, I'm Vee. You must be JJ." I greeted, holding out my hand for him to shake. He accepted the handshake before sitting on the tattoo bench. 

"Yeah, I am JJ. You must be the weirdo." he chuckled.

He is confident, I give him that. "Yeah, I guess." I replied with a smirk. "So what are you going to be getting today?"

"Well, I want a sort of Anime tattoo on my arm, here." He said in an embarrassed tone as he pointed to a free part of his upper arm. 

"You sound embarrassed, why?" I asked, confused.

He scratched the back of his neck, "Anime isn't cool , is it?" 

"Hell yeah it is! I love it!" I said with confidence. I was trying to make him feel more confident about his tattoo and the fact that he likes Anime. Plus, I wasn't lying, I loved Anime too!

"Really?" he said almost shocked.

"Yeah! What sort of Anime were you thinking?" I asked, looking at his arm and the space free. "A character? Theme? Object?" 

"Naruto is the anime I am thinking of." He said, rubbing his chin with his thumba nd index finger.

"I want the Uchiha fan. The one that's on the back of Sasuke's t-shirt." 

"Shut up! That's so cool." I gasped, playfully slapping his thigh that was right in front of me. "I love Naruto so much!"

After that I got on with the tattoo and we talked all about anime and our favourite characters and things. It was great. He didn't just want the simple Uchiha fan but wanted extras around it, like some swirls and things. 

"I am slowly turning this into a sleeve." he stated, looking down at me tattooing his arm. "I'm adding things that I like to it and will eventually connect them with some patterns or something." 

"That's a great idea. You can come to me for any of your tattoo's anytime." I replied, giivng him a wink.

He nodded, "I might have to if this session ends well."

I had finished with the outline and was onto the colour and was incredible pleased with his lack of crying and moaning about the pain. He was silent throughout (other than the talking) and was very brave.

"So, does JJ stand for something?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah, it stands for John-Joe." he replied with a chuckle. "Is Vee your real name?" 

"Is it hell!" I laughed. "No, it's a nickname. My real name is Valentine."

"Valentine?" He asked, raising an eyebrow,

"Yeah, weird I know. I have weird parents and they loved the name. Fits my personality doesn't it?" I asked, looking up at him with my eyes crossed. That made him laugh.

"Yeah, a weird name for a weird girl." he agreed, nodding.

I can to tell you now that that session was one of the msot fun sessions I have ever done. Me and JJ got on so well and had lot's to talk about. He was confident and at ease which was always easy to work with and when we had done, I was actually dissapointed. 

I walked with him up to the main desk and Noah told him how much it was. JJ paid in cash which put a smile on Noah's face. He loved receiving cash for some reason; he calls me the weirdo. At least I don't get excited over a customer handing over cash!

"So, did the weirdo weird you out?" Noah asked, counting the money.

JJ looked at me and smiled, "Nah, she was alright." 

"She usually scares every customer away. I'm surprised we have business." Noah tormented, putting the money in the till.

"Well, it takes a lot to scare me away." JJ laughed before turning to me with a grin on his face. "I actually enjoyed talking to you. Fancy going for a coffee some time?"

I was surprised to say the least but I was pleased. "Of course, that'd be great."

He pulled out his phone and handed it me. I gathered what he wanted to so I created a new contact and put Vee in it and added my number before saving. He smiled as he took back his phone and put it in his pocket. 

"That's a plan then." He said, stretching his arms. "Thanks for today, the tattoo looks great. I will deffinitely come here again." 

"Good to hear." I replied, smiling.

He turned around to walk away. "Catch you later then, Vee." He finally said before leaving. 

I waved at him until I couldn't see him anymore before I took off my gloves and looked towards Noah. He was wiggling his light eyebrows in a suggestive manner. 

"What?" I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"Looks like you have finally attracted someone." he joked which lead to me hitting his arm.

"Shut up, you prick." I sighed as a I turned to go and clean up my station.

I could hear Noah mimicing me quietly but I ignored him. It was amusing to think that a twenty-seven year old man was being so child-ish; but that's Noah for you. 


Thanks for reading! :D 

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