Chapter 30 - It's time

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- John-Joe (JJ) -

I couldn't believe she kissed him. She kissed him, not the other way around. 

I instantly saw red and locked eye contact with Valentine who seemed rather upset. She saw me and said something to Josh before turning around and running out of the room. I let go of Ellie's arm and she looked puzzled.

"I've got to go." I said before running after Valentine. At that point I didn't care what Ellie did or said because I was after one person who had kissed another man and that person was Valentine.

I ran and received a few worried glares from some of the guests but I didn't care. I ran as fast as I could and caught up with Valentine who was crying her eyes out and sat at the side of the road. It was dark outside and was raining a little bit. 

I sat next to her quietly. She turned to me, her eyes filled with tears. "I'm so sorry, JJ." she began, her voice was shakey. "I don't know why I did that and I instantly regretted it. I just wanted him to stop babbling." 

I was mad but then I realised that this must be how she has been feeling knowing that I have a girlfriend. I had to realise that she was actually sorry about it and it was a quick, little kiss that clearly meant nothing to her. Meanwhile I had a girlfriend that I had to pretend to love and act romantic with. I couldn't say anything about the situation because I was just as bad. It was cheating because we weren't together either so I couldn't be mad. 

I pulled her into my chest and wrapped my arms around her. Her head was against my chest and my hand rested behind her head. I rested my head on top of hers and I comforted her. "It's okay. I forgive you, Valentine." 

She lifted her head up and looked at me with surprise. "W...what?" she stuttered.

"How can I judge you for kissing someone when we aren't going out? I have a girlfriend for Pete's sake and you don't judge me, so, how can I judge you for one kiss that you have apologised for?" I explained, smiling.

She smiled and sighed. "I honestly regret it, JJ. He just woudln't shut up and trying to talk wouldn't work so I kissed him without even thinking." 

"I understand. It's a weird way to shut someone up but we all make mistakes, I'm currently going out with a big mistake right now and it's her party over there!" 

We both laughed and cuddled her tighter. "Let's forget this happened yeah?" 

"Definitely." She chuckled into my chest. 

We looked at each other and I smiled. "Now give me a kiss beautiful." 

She giggled and did what I said. The feeling I got when she kissed me was incredible. My body tingled and I felt sparks fly. Our lips moved in completely and utter sync which made the kiss perfect. I didn't want to stop kissing her but a tap on my shoulder made us both stop and look around. It was Ellie and a bunch of party people. Great.

"What the hell is going on?!" Ellie raised her voice and pointed to us.

I guess it was time to come clean. I looked at Valentine and she nodded - It's time. 

"I'm kissing Valentine."  

There was a few gasps and I smirked. "You are cheating on me with my weird little sister?!" Ellie yelled, stomping her feet.

"Step-sister actually and yes I am. I don't love you and never have, Ellie." I bluntly put. 

She slapped me hard across my face and I didn't care at all. It was worth it to finally be able to be with Valentine, who was sat quietly. 

"I can't believe you." Ellie shouted, her voice was attracted even more people to come outside. Even Julia the step-mum and the dad. 

"What's going on here?" Julia asked, looking confused.

Ellie turned to face her mum. "JJ cheated on me with Valentine." She replied, her voice filled with frustration.

Julia gave me a deathly glare and walked up to me. I stood up and waited for what she was going to say. The blackmail was over and I was glad.

Just as Julia was about to speak, Valentine stood up and stopped her. "Don't you dare." she snapped, pointing at Julia with an angry look on her face. 

"What?" Julia replied, acting innocent. 

Valentine laughed. "I know about you blackmail, Julia." 

There was another round of gasps before Valentine's dad spoke up. "What blackmail?"


Thank you so much for reading! :D 

It means a lot <3 

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