Chapter 27 - Everyone knows that.

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- Valentine -

I stood there awkwardly when my dad left, I'm not very good at mingling so that was a difficult task for me. He seemed to be quite confident but clearly felt the slight awkward tension I was creating. 

He finally sighed and smiled at me. "Don't feel awkward, Valentine. I'm not a bad person." He reassured with a little chuckle.

I sighed with relief. It kind of felt a little easier knowing that he was friendly and chilled. "I'm just an awkward person at time, but I believe you." I replied, smiling.

He came closer and shut the doors to give us some privacy. We sat on the bench that was on the balcony and enjoyed the dark sky that had suddenly appeared. We sat next to each other and sat in silence for a little while, just admiring the view and enjoying the peace.

"So, tell me a bit about yourself, Valentine." he asked, his voice sounded rather posh but not as posh as the Queen. 

"Well, my mum died with I was sixteen and my dad got re-married to the birthday girl's mum." I said rather quickly, it wasn't a hard story to tell. "I don't like my step-mum or step-sister, and they don't like me." 

He laughed. "Well, that was an interesting fact. Why don't you like each other?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"They treat me badly and judge me, I don't take it anymore." I explained and shrugged because that was just it, nothing really more to add. 

"I'm sorry to hear that." He stated, placing a hand on my shoulder which he shortly removed after I gave him a weird look. "But why are you here if you don't like each other?"

I shrugged because, I guess, I didn't really know. I sort of got pressured to go and didn't want to let my dad down so, I guess, that was the reason. I wasn't 100% sure but thought I'd tell him that. "I didn't want to let my dad down and I sort of got pressured into coming." I replied with a sigh.

"Well, at least you were good enough to come. That's nice of you." he commented, smiling a big smile.

It went quiet and I cleared my throat. "So, tell me about yourself." I said, turning to face him. 

"There's not much to tell really." He laughed before adding, "I'm the only son of Marcus Brushw-"

I interupted him, "You are the son of Marcus Brushwelt?!" 

"Yes, why?" he asked puzzled. 

Marcus Brushwelt owns multiple expensive and popular buildings all over the city and is a millionaire. He is known by everyone and has been married five times! All but one marriage didn't work because they were only in it for his money and business and there was a rumour going around that one of them tried to kill him for his money. Despite everything his dad was rather reasonable from what I had heard and had a kind side to him. He could get angry and mean but I guess when you have a popular business like him then you have to be on guard all the time. I didn't really know much about him and I didn't really care, but my dad had spoke about him before. 

"Oh my God, he is a millionaire!" I blurted out in shock. Realisation suddenly hitting me.

He sighed. "Yes he is, brainiac. Ugh! Everyone knows that." 

I realised that it made me look like I was only interested in conversation because of his dad and money which wasn't true. I wasn't interested in the conversation at all. He was judging me and I for one was sick of being judged by others, I wasn't going to take it from him!

"Well, I'm so sorry." I said sarcastically. "I didn't know that he had a son. I guess I'm just plain stupid and a dumb ass."

He rubbed the back of his neck. "I didn't mean it like that." 

"Well, tough. You make me out to be someone shallow who only cares about your money and your dad. You don't even know me and you are judging me?" I laughed hysterically, standing up and staring down at him. "People like you annoy me so much. You are just like my step-mum and step-sister."

"Well, you made yourself sound like that's all you cared about." he replied, standing up.

I laughed again. "I happened to realise that you dad is a millionaire and if you had just realised that wouldn't you be shocked like I was?" He didn't reply. "See. I didn't blurt it out because I was suddenly interested in your dad and his money. I blurted it out because realisation suddenly hit me and it's rather surprising news, especially when you are talking to the millionaire's son!" 

I turned around. "See you later, Mr Brushwelt." 

"You can call me Josh." 

I looked over my shoulder. "I'd rather not." 

It may appear that I had taken it a bit to far but in my opinion I hadn't. I've been judged too quick many times during my life and I certainly wasn't going to take it from someone I had known for two minutes. I didn't want to know him at all and I didn't care if he was rich or not, but my dad had a plan and wanted us to mingle. I seem to be a pawn in everyones lives and I was beginning to get tired of it, even my dad had started. 


Thanks for reading! It means so much to me :3

I hope you are all okay <3

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