Chapter 9 - That's a mouthful!

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- Valentine -

The next morning I woke up at 12.00pm to a message from JJ. He was asking if I wanted to go on a walk at 2.00pm. I was happy at the idea because I liked finding out new places and going on adventures; plus, I liked getting away from Julia and Ellie who judge me 24/7.

I got ready straight away by having a quick shower making sure to wash my hair thoroughly. Once I was out my hair was dried and curled before choosing an outfit. The oufit I chose was a pair of thick, black leggings and a red Blink 182 t-shirt. I wore a black, zipped hoddie over the top because it was warm outside but I was still going on a walk and it might be a good idea.  

He said he would pick me up but I didn't like that idea so I said I would pick him up instead. I didn't want it to be the typical 'boy picks girl up' that's not the way it was working with me. He didn't like the idea but I didn't care, It was happening my way. 

He texted me his address and I went and picked him up at 2.00pm. He was sat on the step in front of his house waiting or me. He was wearing some black, knee-length shorts, a plain, red t-shirt and some black Vans. I smiled and rolled down my window, "Hey there, homeless man." 

He looked up and saw me and smiled. "Hello there, weird girl." I rolled my eyes at that and gestured him to come in the car which he did. 

"Ready for our adventure?" he asked, putting his seatbelt on.

I nodded and kept my eyes on the road. "Of course, it's nice to be out of the house." 

"So you aren't coming because I'm joining then?" He asked playfully, raising an eyebrow. 

I smirked, "That's just a bonus." I replied, giving him a wink.

I could see his cheeks going pink and I knew that fliritng is the last things that should be happening but it just seemed natural and harmless. The place where we were going to go for a walk wasn't far so I wasn't bothered if there was silence between us but there wasn't and we had a good chat.

"I like your T-Shirt. That band rocks!" he complimented, pointing to my Blink 182.

"Thanks! So, how did yesterday go with the GF?" I asked, my eyes still on the road.

He seemed hesitant to answer and I didn't demand an answer; I was just asking out of curiosity. He looked at me and spoke. "It was good. We watched quite a few films that weren't that good because she chose them and they weren't my kind of thing but it was a good day." 

"Well as long as the day was good that's all that matters, right?" I said, looking at him before returning my eyes to the long road we were currently on. "It should just matter that you are enjoying the time you spend with your GF." 

"I guess you have a point." He sighed which I didn't expect him to do. 

I looked over at him with concern I asked, "You okay, JJ?" 

He looked at me and sighed once more. "Yes I'm okay, Vee." He smiled and I smiled back. I felt liek somehow he wasn't but I wasn't going to ask or accuse him of lying if he says he is fine. 

Shortly after we arrived, so I parked the car in the car park and we both got out. I stood and looked around, I had always loved that place and it was very picturesque. It was just some woods down near the country side and had lots of flowers and trees and animals. You could walk all the way around it and it was beautiful to do so in the summer. 

"This is beautiful." JJ gasped, looking around repeatedly. 

I smiled, "you never been here before?" 

"Nope." He said popping the 'p'. 

"You should bring your girlfriend down here. It'd be great to have a picnic especially with this beautiful weather too." I suggested.

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