Chapter 22 - Can I see some ID?

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- Valentine -

It was four o'clock and JJ and I were waiting in the reception in the hotel. JJ had put on a  black t-shirt and black converse on since Travis' visit. He looked good and casual which was a nice combination.

"How long is he going to be for God's sake?!" JJ growled with frustration. He was not a very patient person when it came to waiting so I was hoping that Travis would hurry up and save me from his rants. 

I rolled my eyes. "He'll be here soon, JJ. Calm down." I sighed, taking his hand and holding it.

Within a few more minutes later and Travis appeared wearing blue, denim jeans and white t-shirt with a black eagle on the front. He wore a black beanie and a pair of white pumps that looked clean and new. 

"Hello, you two!" Travis shouted as he walked over to us. His new shoes squeaking a little on the floor. 

"What time do you call this?" JJ asked in frustration. "You were supposed to be here at four!"

"I am only a few minutes late, sorry. I had to travel here y'know." Travis replied with shrug.

I rolled my eyes. "It's fine, Travis. Where shall we go?" I asked, smiling.

"There's a pub I like that isn't far from here. We could go there if you want?" Travis suggested, smiling back.

I looked at JJ who obviously wasn't bothered where we went. "Sounds good. Is it walk-able or do we need a taxi?" 

"It's walk-able." Travis replied, after thinking about it. 

I nodded. "Great, so let's get going! I am dying for a drink!" I giggled, pulling both Travis and JJ towards the entrance.

We walked over to the pub with Travis giving us the directions along the way. You could just tell that Travis loved being the leader, the control he had of the situation certainly made his ego expand. He walked in front of JJ and I who were holding hands and looking around us out of interest. It wasn't very often that I got to go to that side of Sheffield which was the city centre so I was interested and wanted to look around. I had a feeling JJ felt the same way since he was looking around and seemed equally interested. 

"It's just over here!" Travis shouted to us, pointing to the right. 

We had been walking for twenty minutes which was quite a long walk and it would've have been quicker getting a taxi but it was an enjoyable walk, so I didn't mind. It also gave me a chance to think and have some fresh air. After the situation I had been in, I needed space and a breather.

We entered the old looking pub that was on a corner next to an alleyway. It was called The Old Goose and certainly looked like something Henry the eighth would have been in. It was black with brown bricks on the outside and on the inside it was dark and had wooden panels on the ceiling. It had a lot of old ornaments and souvenirs that were obviously from the past. It was really intriguing and I guess I spent more time admiring the place than I did talking to JJ and Travis. I couldn't help it! The place was really interesting and I didn't go to many places like that. 

We were standing at the Bar inside ordering drinks when I realised how small I actually was compared to the people inside. 

Travis ordered first. "I'll get a pint of Carling, please." Travis ordered, pointing to the tap with Carling on it in big letters. 

"I'll get the same, thanks." JJ stated, smiling at the bar man. The bar man nodded and began to get their drinks. 

The bar man was no older than thirty and had brown hair and beard. He was really tall and had big muscles. His outfit consisted of a blue jeans and a black, fitted t-shirt. He looked like he owned a motorbike and could be in some sort of gang, but who was I to know? 

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