Chapter 6 - Sounds good to me

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- Valentine -

I woke up at 9.00am to the sound of Justin Bieber and no it wasn't from me- Like I'd listen to Justin Bieber! No, Ellie loved Justin Bieber despite him being an asshole. She often played him loudly through her phone when she woke up. It happened more on the weekend because according to Ellie, 'Justin Bieber gets her in a good weekend mood.' Whatever that meant! 

I didn't waste any time jumping out of bed and storming to Ellie's room which was across the landing. Her door was open so that would explain why the music was so loud.

When she saw me she groaned and rolled her eyes. "What do you want, weirdo?" she asked, dancing around stupidly in a pair of white short and a baby blue vest top. 

"I want you to turn this shit off!" I shouted, pointing to her phone. "It is 9.00am and I don't need to wake up this early on a weekend, especially to Justin fucking Bieber!"

She shrugged, "Justin Bieber ge-"

"Get's you in the weekend mood." I finished her sentence. "I know. You tell me all the time."

"Well, can you get out? I'm not turning it off, so you will just have to live with it!" she replied, sticking her tongue out at me like a toddler. 

"A twenty-two year old Oompa Lumpa sticking her tongue out at a nineteen year old? Priceless." I laughed before walking out of her typical girly room and slamming the door shut. 

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep so I decided to relax in my room. I sat on my bed that the sun was shining on and turned on my tv. I looked to see what I had TV programmes I had recorded and saw that I had a lot of NCIS recorded. I smiled with joy and played the first one. They weren't in order but I didn't care because they didn't follow on from one another and I loved NCIS. 

I felt my phone vibrate on the mattress and looked at it. I had a notification from Tumblr and I looked to that I had a new follower. I smiled and followed them back. I didn't go on Tumblr as much as I used to because I had work and such but I still loved it a lot. 

Whilst I was on my phone I looked on Facebook and Wattpad for updates and such but found nothing interesting. I sighed and was about to put my phone down when I received another notification. I looked and saw that I had a text message from an unknown number. 

Could this be John-Joe? I thought, remembering that I had given him my number the day before at the Tito's Ink. I shrugged and opened the message, it read: 

Hey, Vee.

I was contemplating texting you after I left Tito's Ink but only managed to get the courage to do it today. So, hi! 

- JJ x

I smiled at the text and typed out a reply before sending it. 

Hey, JJ.

I forgot I had given you my number to be fair. Haha! Nice of you to text me though:) 

- Vee x

I didn't know why I added my name at the end when he had my number saved but hey, he did it so I did too. 

So, Vee. 

Fancy hanging out today? Maybe go get some coffee or something? x

I thought for a moment. It was only early and I hadn't had my morning coffee yet and It was also sunny and I'd like to go out and get some fresh air. 

Yeah, sounds great. 

What time? :) x

I waited for a reply by watching NCIS. I got caught up in the episode that I almost forgot I was talking to JJ. When I looked at my phone he had replied.

An hour and we'll meet outside Costa In Sharps? x

Sharps was a small shopping centre that was twenty-five minute walk from my house or a ten minute drive. It didn't have many shops but did have quite a few, including; Waterstones, Costa coffee, KFC, Sports Direct and some others. It was alright for a quick shop and I had been quite often with my mum in the past. 

Sounds good to me. See you then! x

As soon as I sent it I got up, turned off the the TV and went for a quick shower to clean my body. I made sure to use super scented stuff so I smelt delicious and felt clean. I chose my cherry scented body wash that had little bits in to get rid of dead skin cells. 

Once out I dried myself put on a simple black bra and some red care bear pant before looking for an outfit. I looked hard and decided to wear some white, ripped skinny jeans and a dark blue Bowling For Soup t-shirt that I got at one of their concerts in the UK. After that I sat at my desk and straightened my hair, making sure to style my side fringe perfectly. Once it looked good, I hair-sprayed it and used my plastic comb to back come a little bit of it and give it some style. By the end it looks good and I was happy with the result. 

After that, I grabbed my bag and put my phone, money, ID and other little things inside before pulling on a pair of black converse. I sprayed myself with perfume and looked in the mirror before finally leaving my room. By then it was 9:30am and I was due to meet JJ at 10:00am. I made a mad dash to the kitchen to grab an oat and berry cereal bar before eating it quickly and taking my keys off of the key hooks. My key was red and it had a rainbow key-ring from Cornwall and a key-ring with a Red Panda attached to it; my key was completely different to everyone else. Their keys were boring and dull - unlike mine!

I was about to leave until I heard footsteps behind me. I sighed and turned around to find Ellie, Julia and my dad standing there. What is this a family meeting? I thought with frustration. 

"Where are you going?" Julia asked, her arms folded on her chest. She didn't sound angry, just curious. I didn't know why but I didn't really care.

"I'm going to meet a friend, why?" I replied, raising an eyebrow. 

"Just wondering." She mumbled before walking into the kitchen. 

"You actually have a friend, Val! How sweet." Ellie said, taking the mick out of me. 

"Do one, El." I spat which made her gasp and follow her mum into the kitchen. 

My dad chuckled and waved before following Ellie. They were all obviously getting breakfast together and to be honest I was happy not to join them. It made me uncomfortable. If it was just me and my dad then I would love to but it becomes awkward when Ellie and Julia talk about things make me feel awkward. 

I opened the front door and made a quick exit to my car which was a black Nizzan Micra convertable. The roof was currently up though but that changed as soon as I got in my car. Too warm and sunny for the roof to be up.

I drove away to Sharps quickly. I was excited to see JJ and continue our really cool conversation. It wasn't very often I had one!


Thanks for reading, it means a lot :) 

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