Chapter 1. Untouched Feelings

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Jace:Jace is training in the room, he was so angry and upset on someone so he tried to forget all of this by training.

Clary:(Enters his room, slowly walks trying  not to desturb his practice).She was staring at him watching him move,  she saw that he was stil angry at her for pushing him to tell her wats wrong, and she almost forgot that she was here to talk to him about what happend betwen them last night.

Clary:She was still staring at jace and suddnely she was so cerless that she broke the vase it was so loud noise that even a person from the far can hear it.Suddnely she saw Jace stop training and he was walking right to her.She was afraid that he will yell at her when he does somthing that she wasn't expecting him to do.

Clary:She was so startled by Jaces expressen on face, he was angry and he look like he would kill somebody,  she tried to be calm and not to scerd, but she didnt expect that he would grab her and push  her up to the wall. He started kissing her, the kiss was so sweet  passionet and sad,  she felt like somthing was missing ,like he wasn't himself that he wasn't the jace she new. Suddnely Jace stop kissing her, they both look at each other withot saing anything, the room felt silent, and Clary new in her heart that somthing was wrong with him.She tried to bereak the silence first, but Jace was the one who started talking.

Jace:Why are you here Clary? I told you i don't want to see you i don't want to talk to you.

Clary:Jace i have to see you i have to talk to you about what happend last night, i just have to please talk to me. I don't understend everyting was fine yestrday. we were having great time and you now what happend affter, i don't have to say it again becuse its emberessing, but stil that doesn't mean you should push me away when you now im the one who know you better then anyone else.Jace started yelling at her Clary was so scared she didn't know what else to say.

Jace: No,(Jace yelled to loud that the noice could be herd from the far hallway) you don't know me at all Clary, and if anyone knows me better it me ok ,so stop trying to push me to tell you anything. If i wanted to talk to you about whats wrong, i would have tell you the night i walkd out of your room. So just please leve me alone for some time, i just want to be alone don't go near me or talk to me. If you do you don't know what i'm capable of when i'm pissed and angry. Leave my room now, get out, i said get out i'm not going to repeat it again.

Clary:Clary starts to cry, tears run down her face, she walks out of Jaces room she was now shure,so shure that the Jace she new last night, and spend the whole day was gone and she will find a way to fix him.

End of the first chapter

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