Chapter 4:Jealousy & Desire

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Clary was escorted safety to the institute, after meeting with the seelie queen.t was already very dark ,and she couldn't believe that she spend hole day at the seelie court.

 Clary walks into the institute she was so tired and all she needed now is to rest. So she went back to her bedroom  and she changed her clothes, but she felt like somebody was watching her. She wasn't so shure if she imagine it, but then she heard a loud noise coming from the door of her room ,she turnd around and she coudn't belive standing there was the first person who told her that he dosn't want to see her again. 

Jace was walking into her room and he locked the door behind him. He stared at Clary for a minute wondering where she been all day or with who shes been, and why she just got back when its almost 00:50 pm in the night, and its not like i care right now said jace to himself, but i somehow do and i will be here all night or day if she doesn't tell me where she's been.

Clary was startled by Jace knowing that he isn't himself lately and that he isn't the Jace she used to know. She was maybe curious what is he doing here and why would he come, she remember him saying that he doesn't want to talk to her, or see her again and everytime she remembers that pain comes back, and she felt like crying again but she couldn't, she have to hold her tears so Jace doesn't know that she is vulnerable.Suddenly she noticed that Jace was coming close to her , she was walking backwards, and then there was no were to go she was stack, behind her was a wall she couldn't move anywhere.

 Jace what are you doing get of me whats wrong with you.

 No, you tell me what's wrong with you, you are the one who was out all day and just came back, and with who knows who you've been all day don't tell me you already move on and find someone new.

So what if i did huh, you are the one who pushed me away, you are the one who told me you don't want to see me again and after the wonderful time we have that night i don't know whats wrong with you but you don't get to talk to me like that.

So you do have someone huh, well does he wisper in your ear like me, or does hes toch make go crazy enough so you speak his name, huh tell me Clary don't just turn your head look me in the eyas and tell me the truth! you are driving me crazy right know i don't want to hurt you so don't let me do that you now i don't like that.

Clary was so scared now but she can't tell him the truth, becuse she has to keep it a secret she made a deal with the seelie queen about Jace and its her task to save him, so she has to lie and tell him that she was with someone and she hopes he wouldnt hert her or worse kill her.

Yes i was with someone but it's not like what you thi*before she could finish the word Jace remove his hands from the wall and starts berking stuff in her room.

Jace stop i didn't finish my words, like i said its not what you think i would never do that i had some personal matter to attend.

And that personal matter is being with someone all day, Clary you can not fool me you were with someone and now i know i don't want to do this to you , but nobady can have you, you belong to me and only me and now i'm going to prove that to you.

Jace lift Clary in his arms and throw her to bed, he climb on top of her and start kissing her everywhere, and he whispered in her ear now you gonna see that i'm better than this guy you've been, and you gonna enjoy me all day and night like you did with him but i will be better.

Clary was tring to get out of Jace but he was so strong she has to do somthing to escape of him,so she was struggling trying to push him, or kick him but nothing worked, instead she slaps his face and in instant Jace was getting of her.He looked at her and then there was complete silence between them, the only sound that was heard in the room was they breathing.

Clary was the first to berak the scilence. Jace i'm so sorry but i have to do that, you would hurt me and i didn't want to feel pain again like last time, and you are not the Jace i used to know i don't know whats wrong with yo*before she could said anything else he was kissing her again and this time the kiss was different, it wasn't like the kiss from the other day it was so sweet and full of desire and she always felt like that with the real Jace.

When the kiss was over they bouth look at each other with desire for more, but Jace was walking all the way to the door and before he left he said one last thing to Clary I'm still here Clary you just need to find a way to save my soul before its forever gone.

I will Jace i promese , she said that in berly hearable voice i will. For the first time Clary new that there is hope for Jace, hope for the Jace she new one in her life and she will do anything now to get him back.

End of the chapter 4

Chapter 5 coming soon

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