Chapter 16 Madness

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Clary walks into Jace's room and closes the door when she turned around she saw Jace standing in front of her. He sacred her she saw that he was angry but she didn't know that he was going to do this.  


Jace was choking her with both hands , Clary couldn't breathe she was just standing there and crying, "Please Jace let me go".She barely said those words he was choking her hard, she couldn't breathe normally. Then she remember she has a knife in her pocket she was trying to reach it, but before she could stab Jace he let go of her and Clary fell to the floor.

"Oh my god", Clary i'm so sorry. What have i done? please Clary can you forgive me i don't know why i did this. 

Clary was just sitting on the floor and looking at Jace. She knows it isn't his fault that he is like that, but she still didn't lose her hope of saving him, she will find a way for saving his soul, even if it means she will have to die for him.

Clary can you forgive me. "I said Clary can you forgive me"*Jace was yelling at her*. If you can't  forgive me then i will enjoy doing this.

He was walking so close to Clary ,she was so scared of this version of Jace. She quickly stands up of the floor, running and trying to reach the door , but Jace was faster than her he took her and throw her at the bed, and before she can escape he was on top of her.

Clary was struggling trying to get away from him, but he was so strong she couldn't do anything but just stare at this other version of him with anger and hatred.

I see you wanna play hard to get, well Clary you'll soon enjoy being with me until you say my name loud and asking me for more.

No! Jace please stop this isn't you , you would never harm me, please just let me go."Please"

"Oh" did i just her you said please well that means you like it and you beg me to kiss you more , that's what you will get then.

At that moment Jace was kissing her everywhere and she was crying , hoping someone will come and save her. But if nobody comes to rescue her, she will be her trapped with this different version of Jace. Alec and Patrick were right she should have wait , but no she was stupid enough and didn't listen to them and now she got her in this situation.

Clary you are "mine and mine only". Nobody can have you do you hear me! "Say it say you are mine".

It was impossible not to say those words because she was enjoying his kisses and touches.

I'm you***** before Clary can finish the words Patrick "Jonathan" smash the door of Jaces room.

Who are you? get out of here. You see some peaple are here enjoing they time and having fun.

You call this fun. Patrick looks pissed at Jace he was trying to rape her at least he thinks that.

Patrick, yells Clary please help me!

It's ok Clary you would get out of here don't worry. 

She is not going anywhere?. She's staing here with me.

Oh, will see about that. Patrick picks up Jace from Clary and throws him at the wall so hard that Jace was unconscious.

Clary are you alright?.

Yes, thanks to you Patrick.

I told you you should have wait, Alec did too why didn't you listen to us.

Because i'm stubborn and you know that.

Yeah i do, but sometimes you have to listen what people tells you. Come on let's get you out of here.

Patrcik escored Clary to her room. Before Clary closed the door , he kissed her forhead.

Thanks for saving me.  I owe you twice my life now. How could i repay you.

You don't owe me anything . You forgot i'm kinda like your brother and  i will do anything for you.

Before Patrick leaves Clary alone , she called out to him.

Hey Patrick do you want to walk with me tonight anywhere but here.

Yeah of course wherever you want.

How about the park after dinner at 20:00 we meet there.

Sure why not, i'll see you tonight Clary.

Yeah , see you tonight my knight in shining armor.

 They both were laughing and say they goodbays.

Until tonight siad Clary.

Until tonight said Patrick.

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