Chapter 3-shock

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"That was close!" I said. My right hand now decided my fate of falling twenty feet down. I flipped myself upwards and landed on solid ground with a thud. Then, I closed the door behind me and jumped across the trap door that almost cost me a broken leg.

I took out a rubber band and tied up my long frizzy hair into a ponytail. My hair would just get in the way.

The room was dark. I took a step forward and it was instantly lit up by white fluorescent lights along the corridor. I started to run, eager to reach my destination. I dodged a series of laser beams and arrows with my backpack slung over both my shoulders. If would be a drag if I had left my bag there.

Is it me, or is there something peculiar about these booby traps? I thought. The number of booby traps has increased, and so have the difficulty in dodging them. Adrenaline surged through me as I ran up the stairs. Many more arrows came in my way and I almost got a cut on my arm. Luckily my sleeve was in the way.

I finally reached my destination, the kitchen. I reached out for the doorknob and felt a spark. I took out my rubber made shoes and placed it on the doorknob.

"Congratulations Sammy, you've passed the test!" grandpa said with a satisfying grin as I entered the kitchen. "You even figured out about the doorknob!"

He actually electrified it! I thought as I stood there panting like a dog. I felt like I had just done a ten kilometre marathon.

"Hi grandpa. Aren't you supposed to be playing chess with your friends?" I said as I placed my backpack on the floor by the table and took a seat opposite him. "And what do you mean by test?" I added.

Grandpa was about to hit seventy this year, or was it eighty? I can't remember. His hunched back, almost bald head and wrinkled skin was evidence of his old age.

Just as he was about to answer, mom entered the kitchen. "There you are! I thought I told you to come home early." I mumbled something in response and she made a tsk. "Detention? Seriously? And you didn't bring your phone with you."

I mumbled an apology as I picked up my backpack and excused myself to my room. "Come down later for cake!"

After I had taken a shower, I searched for my phone.

My phone was on my studying table. I picked it up and saw three missed calls and one new message. Two of them were from my mom. The other one was from Tina.

I checked the message first, mainly because I didn't feel like talking. It turned out that it was from Tina.

Hey Sam, Guess what? I just scored a date with Jaden! How cool is that! Well, it isn't exactly a date...I told him that you'd be there too. So, is it ok if he comes with us this Sat? Pls reply a.s.a.p.

What the hell does she see in this guy? He's ugly even for my standards! And why should he come with us! I only invited her, not him!

I felt extreme anger course through my veins. I've no idea why I felt so angry. It's just another person Sam. Don't let anger get in your way!

The devil side of me won, and I started throwing pillows against the wall.

What was wrong with me?

After I had cooled down, I made my way towards the kitchen. Lucky for me, booby trap training only happens in the morning.

So what was that training for just now? I thought.

Just as I entered the kitchen, mom and grandpa jumped up and said "surprise!" I was shocked for a moment and I had my right hand on my heart. Then I got really angry and shouted." You guys almost scared me to death!"

I immediately regretted my reaction as I imagined their pained expressions. I was about to utter a word of apology when I realised that they were smiling.

Something fishy is going on here. I thought.

"Mom, grandpa, I have something to...where's dad?"

"He's still at work. You know how busy he is with all those figures to count." Mom said.

Dad works as an accountant.

"Okay, before I tell you something, I have a few questions." I realised that we were still standing, so I made a gesture for us to sit. Unlike me, my mom has shoulder length, straight, jet black hair. Clearly she did not get that from grandpa.

"Celebrate first, questions later!" Mom and grandpa said simultaneously. Both of them pushed me towards the dining table with a cake on it. They sang happy birthday and wished me happy 14th birthday.

My phone rang from across the room. I got up from bed and made my way towards the studying table and answered my phone on the third ring.

"Hey Sam, guess what? I.."

"I know Tina, I read your message. Yes, he can come." Shit, I forgot to reply her! And now she's repeating it! Argh!! It's so frustrating!

"Hey Sam? Is everything alright? You sound frustrated."

"Yes, I'm fine. So this Saturday, movie. Okay No problem." I grunted as I tried my best to control my temper. I was reaching my limit.

"Thank you so much Sam!" and she was gone.

I raised my phone to throw it across the room. Just then, I heard the clock from the kitchen strike 9. The chimes from the clock were deafening, and I crouched on the floor and covered my ears.

Instead, it got worse. The pain in my ears intensified and spread down my neck, my body, and down my legs. Every second felt like an hour and I felt as if my whole body was burning. I trashed and kicked my feet against the table hoping that it would distract me from the pain. It just made matters worse.

The pain got worse as every chime went. Eight chimes later, the pain started to disappear slowly up my body all the way to my head. The pain lasted in my head for a second, and it was gone. I lay panting on the floor for a few more seconds, afraid that moving an inch would bring back the pain. Then I got up slowly and stumbled towards the toilet.

I opened the tap and splashed my face with water. Then, I caught an image in the mirror.

The person in the mirror had her eyes bulging with shock. Her face showed that she was about seventeen. She had wavy crimson hair and...

Glowing green eyes.

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