Chapter 11- Animal talk.

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I'm not sure if I heard you right. Did you just ask if I'm Sam Rider's relative?" I asked for the third time.

"Oh my gawd yes! This is like the third time you're asking." Jaden exclaimed while he raised both his hands in frustration.

Wow. I never thought that Jaden could be capable of frustration. I guess there's a first for everything. But then again, I only knew him for a week. So I guess it's not so surprising after all.

"So, are you or are you not?" Jaden asked.

"Am I what?"

"Her relative!!" Jaden shouted in frustration.

I was about to answer him no when he interrupted. "I guess not. Cause you're acting really surprised about it. So does that mean you're actually Sam Rider?"

Eeekkk! Okay, I did not see that coming.

"Of course I'm her relative. I'm her cousin. Yep! That's right." I quickly said to save myself from having to explain that I'm really her. " I was just trying to annoy you."

"Oh. I see.." Jaden said and I sighed in relief.

"I don't actually think you're her. I was just pulling your leg. I mean, how can you be when she's prettier and taller than you? No amount of make up can change a person that much." Jaden laughed like he just made a joke of the year and I imagined myself tying him up and throwing him Into a pit full of monsters. I can imagine his scream of terror as I stood at the top and yelled in victory.

"Ouch! Okay, okay. Sorry. I just did it for revenge." Jaden exclaimed and I realized I unconsciously punched him in the stomach. "You're really strong you know" Jaden continued to cough.

"Not funny." I murmured just loud enough for him to hear me.

"Anyway, back to the topic. So your eyes can actually glow like hers? Amazing! This is the first time I've ever heard of this! Does that mean all your relatives can glow their eyes too?!" He asked, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

" Actually, the two of us are the only ones in our generation that are capable of doing this." I nodded in satisfaction. Man, I getting really good at making up stories.

"So you're saying that your elders can do that too?" Jaden fired back with his questions. "Who else can do it?!"

I thought for a moment before replying. "My grandma could do it, but she's not here anymore." This unfortunately was not a lie. My grandma died when I was only three and the only thing I remembered was her face, through photographs.

The part where my grandma's eyes could glow was not a lie either. I remembered my grandpa told me that she was actually Sam Rider too.

"I'm sorry." Jaden's enthusiasm had suddenly diminished to a tiny bit. "I didn't mean to..."

"It's okay, really. I don't remember her anyway." I said, not wanting him to worry.

Funny, since when do I care about his feelings? I should make him feel bad. Yeah! He's making Tina treat me like crap. Why should I worry about him? I was about to think of a reply to make him feel more guilty when he suddenly said something else.

"Hey, I have a favour to ask you."

Man, his mood changes so fast that I can't keep up with him.

"What is it?" I asked half-heartedly and took a bite of my sandwich. I swear that this would be the last time that I'm speaking to him, ever.

"Could you, erm...I mean. Can you help"

"Just cut to the chase will you!" I said, my patience wearing thin. I took the last bite of my sandwich, got up and walked towards the edge of the building and leaned against the hexagon fence. I looked at some students running along the tracks in the track field that was almost as big as the whole school building. Sports day was in a month's time and I wasn't even sure of which sport events I should join.

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