chapter 1-dream

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The sky was dark. Night had fallen hours ago and black clouds were making their way toward an eerie, forty-three storey tall skyscraper. It was hard to make out the slim figure that stood on the roof of that building.

I wished I had a better view of that person. My wish was instantly granted as I now stood on the same roof with her back faced to me. Her outfit was as black as the sky above her. Suddenly, lightning struck and that was all it took for me to witness her long, wavy, crimson hair.

The lightning was gone and darkness swallowed her whole. Even in the darkness, I could see her turning to face me. Lightning struck again, and I was only inches away from her. Bright green eyes stared right back at me...

...and I felt excruciating pain working its way up my butt to the rest of my body. I made a curse as I got up and took a sleepy look at my alarm clock which showed 6.59am. Seconds later, the alarm sounded and I switched off the alarm switch. With a groan, I searched for my glasses on the side table and made my way to the bathroom.

I sat on the toilet bowl thinking about that dream. It's been three weeks, and that dream just kept coming. What was that dream about? I can't be just a dream, right? After I'm done, I flushed the toilet bowl and made my way towards the mirror.

Tired and baggy chocolate brown eyes stared through the glasses right back at me. As you all know, I'm just an average girl, with frizzy, honey brown hair and some disturbing pimples on my face. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and took a quick shower before I made my way down to the kitchen.

As usual, booby traps were all over the place. I dodged every one of them with ease as I've done this since I was four. Most parents, no. I'm sure that every single one of the adults in this planet does not build booby traps just for fun. My parents have very strange hobbies. Don't ask me why.

I managed to arrive at the kitchen safely after I had just barely missed a laser beam. I took out some milk and cereal when my mom walked in. "Hi honey? How was your early morning exercise?"

An exercise!? I almost died out of heart attack, mom! That laser beam almost took me out! Mom would kill me if I told her that. "It was easy, barely broke a sweat." I said instead. "Would you mind telling me again why should I do this every morning?" I asked, hoping that she would give a different answer this time.

"That's because we want you to grow up strong and healthy, dear." she smiled. "Besides, your dad loves building these kinds of things."

Sometimes I wondered why dad did not open a booby trap company or something.

"Oh, and happy birthday dear. Come back early so that we can celebrate."

I said thanks and goodbye as I got ready for school. My family's affluent. We have a nice two storey bungalow with CCTV's and booby traps all over the house (the traps are mostly for me of course). Even so, my parents force me to ride on my bicycle. Not that I mind it or anything.

That's because we want you to grow up strong and healthy dear. This is what my dad would say whenever I questioned him about my transportation problems. I wondered why this was the only reason they had. They could've said save patrol, or go green or something. Sometimes I can't figure out what are in their heads.

I parked my bicycle in the bicycle shed at school and locked it. Then, I made my way to class.

Madison...Madison? Madison!!!

"Yes sir!" I stood up immediately and realised that I was still in class. Mr Jack, our History teacher stood in front of the class and I could see that he was fuming. Then, everybody started to laugh. He shouted and the whole class became quiet.

"I know my class is boring, Sammy Madison. But sleeping in my class is not an option. It's detention after school for you!" He bellowed. "Yes sir." I murmured and sat back down.

It's that dream again! Why does it keep coming? I'll have to tell mom and dad about it tonight. I thought. A few seconds later, the bell for lunch rang. "Class, remember to finish up your essays." Mr Jack said as he walked out of class.

"Hey Sam, tough luck huh?" said Tina. My friends call me Sam. I hate it when people call me Sammy. "Anyway, happy birthday Sam. Are you celebrating your birthday or something?"

I shook my head. "For some reason, my parents want to celebrate it just with me this year. We could go out for a movie this Saturday?" I said, not wanting to disappoint my only friend in class. Tina is a nice girl. She's average like me, has wavy, black hair and freckles on her face. Well, at least she's not wearing glasses.

"Sure." She said just as we reached the cafeteria. "Oh great, chicken chop today!" she said as she practically ran towards the food. I laughed and followed her. Just then, a boy 5 feet in front of me tripped over and his tray of food slipped out of his hands. With reflexes as fast as lightning, my hands automatically reached out to catch it. As if it was the only natural thing to happen, the chicken chop, salad, and fries all landed into the plate on the tray.

The boy beside me had his mouth hanging open, and so did the other guys by the table beside us. "Er,be careful" I said quickly. I gave him back his tray and made my way towards Tina. I could still feel their stares on my back as I grabbed a seat and placed my tray on the table.

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