Chapter 4-What the heck is happening to me!?!

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 The person in the mirror had her eyes bulging with shock.  Her face showed that she was about seventeen. She had wavy crimson hair and...

 Glowing green eyes.

Chapter 4

I practically flew as I jumped from roof to roof with the cool night wind blowing on my face. With my newfound powers, I could jump twenty feet into the air without breaking a sweat.  

 As I saw the building loom before me, I almost broke my neck as I almost fell from the roof. I got back my balance and took a look at it.

 Destination reached, The Mall.

15 minutes ago

  “What the…!!” I paused for a while as I registered the new voice that came out from my throat. It sounded exactly like me of course, only a little bit older and it sounded much better than my slightly rough voice.

 The girl in the mirror looked ten times prettier than my face. Her face was silky smooth, and not a single pimple or black head was on her face. My frizzy brown hair could never compare with her long crimson hair that flowed all the way to her waist. And most importantly, were her stunning glowing green eyes.

 This cannot be real! Oh my gosh! I thought as I lightly touched my cheeks with the tips of my fingers and the girl in the mirror copied my movements. Just then, my nails sharpened and grew two inches long in a second. Luckily, my reflexes have improved tremendously and I dodged my nails in time.

 My long pants that used to touch the floor now reached above my ankles. My chest grew a bit larger and my sleeves were about three inches shorter than where it used to be at my wrists.

 There was a knock on my bathroom door and a voice calling my name. I was too stunted to notice anyone walk in my room.

 I just stood here frozen as I weighed my options. One, explain what had happened to me. But the problem was, I don’t even know what was happening!

 Two, make a run for it. But I doubt that I could, considering that there was only one narrow entrance in this confined bathroom.

 So I chose option three, I stood just stood there frozen to the ground.

 She took one look at me and made a huge grin. “Yes! See dad? I knew this would happen to her!”

 That was definitely not the reaction that I expected. And then it hit me. They knew what was happening. They knew that this was going to happen.

 “Mom, would you mind explaining to me what’s going on?”  I could hear the panic in my voice despite how nice I sound.

 I heard a purr as Maxie entered my bathroom and came to me. He rubbed his head against my ankle and I was shocked by what was happening.

 Grandpa’s cat actually likes me? I thought as I recalled all the times where the cat would just ignore me and stick to grandpa.

 This time, I heard another set of footsteps in my room. He poked his head into my bathroom behind mom with a huge grin plastered on his face.

 “Time for your first job” he said and walked out of my room.

“What is that?” I asked my mom who was holding what I thought was the worst outfit I had ever seen.

“It’s your outfit for your job, silly!” she said as she passed me the outfit. The whole outfit was in black. Long, tight fitted leather pants and a black long sleeved leather jacket that had a zip from the top all the way down. I didn't like tight clothes.

 I had so many questions to ask, but I was too shocked to speak.

 Once I had changed into my outfit, I walked into the kitchen to see grandpa and mom eating cake.

 “Your only daughter has transformed into who knows what and you’re eating cake!? Seriously!!” I exclaimed. “And grandpa said something about my first job. First job for what?”

 “First job as a professional thief!” grandpa said proudly.

 There was a few seconds of silence, before I replied “That’s not something to be proud of, grandpa.”

 “Then what was the point in training you? You’ve been trained your whole life for this day, Sammy.”

 And then it hit me, like lightning. I did all that training for this!? All those lock picking and booby trap training every day? And here I thought it was just dad’s hobby.

 “Does dad know about this?” I asked.

 “Well, yes.” Grandpa said.

 Of course he would’ve known!  Why would he not when he was the one who made the booby traps?

"I hate to break it to you, but you're already late. I wrote in the note saying that you'll be there by 9 o'clock and it's already 9.05 pm!" mom said as she got up and pushed me towards the stairs. 

"Er, mom? the door's on this floor. Why are you pushing me upstairs?" I asked

"You'll be going there by foot, and I don't see why you should walk on the ground. People will notice you easily with that red head of yours." She said it like it was common sense and it made me feel like a small child.

 "Wait! I didn't even agree to go...You know what? I'm not going!." I managed to break free from my struggle and I turned my body to face her. Transforming into another person is one thing. Told to do something that you've never done in your entire life after that? It's just too much to take in.

There was a few seconds of tensed silence as we had a glaring contest. Then, grandpa appeared behind mom and said.  “If you don’t, you’ll be stuck like this forever. Is that what you want?”


 I stood there for a few seconds trying to digest what was happening. Then I said “Okay, tell me what's the job about.”

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