Chapter 7-The new boy in school

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"Hey, Sam! Are you even listening?"

" Wha.." I said as my eyes fluttered open to face Tina. It was because of yesterday that I felt so tired. I guess transforming took out a lot from me..

(flask back) 

"I'm back!" I announced my return as I entered the kitchen. Mom, dad, and grandpa were all sitting on the chairs around the dining table. 

"I see you've managed to steal back the gemstone. Good job Sammy." Grandpa congratulated me and I wondered how he knew that. Then I realized that I've transformed back. 

I made my way to the kitchen table and placed the gemstone on it. "Here's the stupid stone, and I swear that I'm never doing this again!" 

"Why not?" three of them asked simultaneously. 

"I almost got caught for stealing a piece of stone!" I exclaimed. 

"An extremely valuable piece of gemstone, if I might add." mom stated. 

"That's not the point! I've already transformed back, didn't I?" I didn't realise that I was breathing heavily until I said something. I felt like I just climbed Mount Everest twice after I transformed back. 

"You're going to keep transforming until you reach adulthood. Didn't Janice tell you that?" Grandpa said as faced his head towards mom. 

"But I don't wanna!" 

"You've no choice. You're just going to keep transforming whether you like it or not." grandpa explained. 

"Do I have to do this every night for the rest of my life!?" I whined like a five-year old child. 

"Don't worry, it's only until you reach eighteen. And it won't be every night you have to do this. In fact, it comes inconsistently so you won't know when you'll transform. The only thing that'll warn you is your sudden burst of anger." dad said. 

" Aw man! This is so unfair...

(end of flashback) 

"Erm, sorry. I had a lot in mind. What were you saying?" Tina sighed as she continued her talking while playing with her food. We were having lunch now on the top floor of our school building. We liked eating here sometimes where we would distinguish the shapes of the clouds from the blue heaven above us. 

"As I was saying, lets watch The Avengers at The Mall tomorrow. I won four free tickets from Hitz.Fm yesterday and.." 

"Ohmygoshyouhavefreetickets!? That's awesome!" I exclaimed. 

Just then, the door leading inside the school building burst open and out came Jaden with an excited expression on his face. 

"Hey guys! guess what? I think I'm in love!" he exclaimed. 

"What!" Tina shouted.  

Jaden did not seem to notice her sudden outburst and continued. "Sam Rider invaded my garden yesterday and punched me in the gut! How cool is that?" He said as he took a seat on the floor beside Tina. 

"You're in love with an old man who punched you in the gut!?" Tina said with a shaky voice and I could guess what she was thinking.  

"No, no..hey, are you alright? You look so pale!" Jaden said. 

"I..I'm fine." Tina said stammered as she opened her water bottle and drank half of it's contents.  

"Anyway, I guess she's about seventeen or eighteen."  

"Wait, I thought you said Sam Rider's a guy!" Tina exclaimed. 

"Well, I was wrong. But let me tell you, she's kinda hot!" Jaden said it with a huge grin as he pushed his nerdy glasses up and started to chow down his lunch. 

Oh boy. This is bad. 

There was a few moments of silence before Tina exclaimed. "B..but, she four years older than you!"  

"Yeah! Listen to Tina. she's always right." I said exclaimed and Tina gave me a raised eyebrow.  

"Did you know that Shakespeare's wife was eight years older than him..?" Jaden said. 

"Oh really? I didn't know that." I said. 

Tina slapped me on the shoulder and mouthed "not helping!" 

"..and she's only four years older." Jaden continued. "So, it's the movie still on tomorrow?" he asked. 

"Attention class, today..." 

"Sorry we're late Mr Steel!" Three of us said as we rushed into mathematics class after lunch. 

"It's alright. Quickly get into your seats, you three." said the kind and understanding teacher. 

And that's when I noticed a boy about my height standing next to Mr Steel. He looked kinda cute despite his messy blond hair. He had beautiful sky blue eyes and a face that made people think he's adorable. Murmurs could be heard all over the class. 

"Who is he?" 

"Oh my gosh, he looks so cute!" 

Just as three of us took our seats, Mr Steel clapped his hands loudly and the class was instantly silent. Then, Mr Steel made a gesture to indicate that Lucas could speak now. 

"Hi. I'm Lucas Rust. I love to eat Japanese food and I don't particularly hate anything. I hope we'll be great friends." Just then, he grinned his biggest smile and I could see two cute dimples on his cheeks. 

Ohmygoshhelookssocute! Even his voice sounds adorable! I thought. 

I turned behind to ask Tina what she thought of him but clearly, she was not interested as she was staring at nothing in particular. I guessed she really liked Jaden a lot. 

"There's an empty seat beside Ms Madison. Why don't you seat there?" Mr Steel said to Lucas as he gestured towards where I sat.  


I could hear jealous complains around me as he made his way towards the empty seat.  

Well too bad! I thought. 

"Hey. You're Madison right?" he asked. 

"Just call me Sam." I said with the biggest grin in my face. I must've looked ridiculous. 

He had a surprise look in his face but soon recovered. 

"What's wrong?" I asked. 

"Well, it's just that I erm...have a friend with the same name." he said. 

"My name's actually Sammy but I prefer Sam. Besides, Sam is quite a common name." I said. 

"Yeah, you're right." he smiled and took his seat as Mr Steel started his lecture about Matrices. 

"Hey Tina, you okay?" I asked Tina the minute class ended. Most of the students have left and only five of us were still here. 

"I'm fine, I guess. Man, when I see this Rider person, I'm so going to pulverize her. Nobody steals my man!" she said as she punch her fist against her palm. 

She's definitely number one on my list of people to not tell about my identity. 

"Anyway, let's invite Lucas to watch the movie with us! You have an extra ticket right?" 

"Why would we wanna invite him?" 

"Because he's cute, and it's my birthday." I said. 

" Erm, ya. About that. The thing is, my dog ate that ticket.." 

"That's the worse excuse I've ever heard!" I said. 

"It's true! Would I lie to my best friend?" She asked with a serious expression. 

"Well, I guessed it can't be helped." I said with a sigh. 

"Looks like both of us need some cheering up. Let's have a nice cup of tea at Starbucks and have a nice chat." she said. 

I laughed. 

"Hey! What's so funny?" She asked. 

After a few seconds of laughing, I said. "You sound like an old lady."

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