Dark Soul (part 1)

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"Em don't look at me like this and go to palace I'll be there shortly after. I have some work to finish and think alone."

" But Nasty why you did this you know this is not good for Alie ..... "

"Emma this is your Queen's order. Go to palace now and do your work.  Don't ever  question me again. "

After Em gone I huffed and sit in my chair this is not what I expected from Natalie I thought  she will never do anything like this. I was mad because of my talk with mother and I don't think clear.  Some times my anger took over me but I am still angry with  Alie she have to trust me else our enemy will took advantage of that.  After few hours of work and planning  I call my secretary and explain her all work. I called some of my palace guards to secure my office area I don't  want any kind of trouble here with humans.

After 2 hours I was back in my chamber but instead going to meet Alie I went to tower. I'm  so frustrated and angry I don't know what to do. I want to punish her for disobeying me but I knew this is there first instinct when they thought I'll never approve them.  I was sitting there alone but not too long mother come and sit by my side.

"Anna I know what you are thinking you are right on your place but think it from their point they are mates you know they can't resist bond. What Natalie did was not wrong she found her mate after so long she was scared that may be she lose her chance. She act on her instinct and you are already punishing them." Mother  said and I look at her with questioning look.

"They already mark each other and right now they are in heat if they didn't complete their mating you know there would be chance of any possible wrong thing, worst is one of them or maybe  both die.  You give lash order to  Alie but she is already in pain go and see it by yourself  please Anna think wisely. For once think like a sister  and a kind Queen." with that mother get up and kiss on my head and go to door she stop and turn " Anna there are more things there that you have to know about you and your dark soul, come meet me when you finish your torment." with that she get out from there leaving me behind with lots more questions.

I get up from my place and went to meet my dear sister and her mate. This place is one of my favorite part of castle. I enter with a proud smile on my face I can feel all pain and heat that coming from my new house guests. With a evil smile I went to that particular cell that has two cell in one in front of each other. Shadow was sitting on a chair  with a book in a hand this is a funny site to see.  As a banshee he is so domestic. I make fun of his act lots of time but today I am not in that kind of fun mood.  Today I'm going to enjoy some pain of other.

" Hello  everyone having fun.  Well shadow you are free for today thanks for your little  assistance. I'll be back with you later and Artemis wants to meet you go enjoy your oldies time." I said to shadow and he went out with a nod. I turn to my other two guest and sit on the chair that was occupied by shadow.

"Natalie  how are you sister enjoying your very first time in my favorite place. I never thought that you will end up here some day. You know me well to go against me.  But see here you are because you choose  your mate. And here prince Woods what were you thinking when you marked her that a Queen of witches can over power me and save you from my wrath.  See where you put both of your life.  You know I love my little sister here but I can't stand if some one disobey me and because of you she is here in this situation. So as our conversation left on some point before." I get up from my seat and went to wall where all my equipments were hanging I take a lash and went to Alie's cell their face was pale terrified I love this. With entering in Alie's cell I turn to Alzeuis.

" Alezuis now are you ready to talk." I look at him with my devil smirk.

" How could you do this to your own sister. She is innocent don't do anything that you'll regret later.  Please don't do this. " Alezius said in so painful pleading voice.

" For first point I don't regret anything  mutt and second my sister knew what happen when you disappoint your Queen. Now shall we begin." with that I raise my hand for first lash.

" How could you be so cruel. How could your soul is so dark" Alezius said with cry.  This stop my hand in mid air. Mother's word echo in my mind 'you have to know more about you and your dark soul.' I look at both of them

" Emma...  Free them both and send them to Natalie's chamber."  I said and went out without looking back. I went to mother's chamber.

" What do you mean by my dark soul.. ..... Tell me now.... "

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