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I'm coming for you..........

Jean's POV

"Where are my brother and sister? What do you mean I'm coming? Who took them?" I ask Annastisa I still don't know who these girls are or should I trust them but some how being with them make me feel safe.

"Nasty who took them? Where are we going? " Emma ask the girl with sinister smile on her face. For some reason I'm still not afraid of her.

"We are going to HELL" these word left her mouth that left me more confused. All the things that just happened few hour ago hit me. All the creature that I read in fantasy books come real in front of my eyes. I was so confuse, afraid what is this all mean why they are after me? Why they took my siblings? How we will go in to Hell? Wait.

"'Wait' what do you mean by hell? Who you people are? Why are going to hell n how? " I ask both of them.

" Demon king took your siblings. And we going to get them back. " Annastisa said with no emotion in her voice with very confident commanding aura. She come to me and put a necklace on my neck. "Don't remove it or you will die there. " she said and turn around.

" My queen how we will go there." Emma ask and kneel in front of Annastisa.

" By my Portal of course. Let's meet some friends." with saying that she open a portal in my leaving room. This is all getting weird by time passing but I didn't say anything I want my siblings back whatever it takes, my questions can wait.

"Let's go Princess. Your first and probably last for long time visit to hell." she give her hand to hold mine and I hold it she turn to Emma who turn in to a wolf in front of me and come stand by our side. It freaks me out but comfort me on the same time. We step in to a portal and it's close behind us.

Hell is so different from I imagine it yes it was dark here and so hot but I don't see any lurking evil soul. We are standing in front of some goth castle with black and red paint flames around it and a huge dog like creature with three head standing in front of door. When we near the door it charged towards us I back away in fear but Emma stop me and stand near me. It tackel Annastisa  on the ground and Annastisa start laughing and playing with it like its her pet dog. Suddenly doors open and there stand Lucifer king of hell.

Annastisa's POV

"Hello brother we meet again. Twice in a day how nice. Let's go in we need to talk." saying that I went in the throne room with all of them tralling behind.

"Nasty what are you doing here. You can't come in here without my permission it is my kingdom. You have no power here." Lucifer said in demanding tone while sitting on his throne. There are no other chairs to sit for and I know why is that, nobody allowed to sit in front of king of Hell Lucifer's ego. But I just smile and went for higher platform of room.

"Nasty you can't go there you will burn to death it's God's place. Don't be stupid. Say what you are here for." Lucifer said in some worriedly and demanding voice.

"Well dear brother of mine are you worried about me? I'm touched but don't worry you know I get to know some things about me recently. It appears that I'm not only Queen of all creatures of Celeste but also desinate heir of Hades." With saying that I whistled and Hades throne descend from hall of God's. I went there and sit in it this feels home. All three of them are so dumbfounded.

"Emma down yourself so princess can sit too. We know she can't touch anything here." after saying that I turn to Lucifer. " so brother tell me where are the two humen child our little brother kidnapped from earth. I promise our princess here that I'll bring them back safe. You know this is not a place for living souls if they stay here for long they will die and we don't want that. Right? So be a good servant of this throne I'm sitting on tell me everything I needed to know. " I said with smirk on my face.

"He is taking them to deeper part of Hell near banshee's place. Reason I don't know or nither I have any part in this. I'm tried to stop him but someone is helping him and you know I can't reach beyond gate four yet. I told you everything I know now tell me how you could be on that throne. " Lucifer ask me with anger he always wanted to rule over me wanted to more powerful than me that's why he took Hades offer to rule Hell coz he think I can't have power here.

"Well brother I talked with my mother and get to know my true self you know my darker self. Well by all these said I have some kids to pick up. Please be a good ruler and keep princess safe. "I wink at Lucifer and Jean and call for my pets. "let's go for walk boys." with that I went to meet Tris my traitor of brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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