Chapter Eight ~ Why did you come?

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Now I have been getting great & awesome comments and thank everyone for that:D
That's what keeps me motivated ^.^
Then I get comments like
'Hate it' etc....
Those keep me going to at least your inspiring me to do a better job next time...^.^
So Arigato for the wonderful feedback
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

This is dedicated to Uzumaki_Naruot_fan
For being a wonderful sister:D
Thanks for the video sis I loved it:)
Also thank you for smacking some sense into me
But my cheek still stings (>.<)


Chapter Eight
'Why did you come?'

Levy was currently reading a book on a towel she had left her friends to get some peace.
"I hope I find my Romeo.." Levy sighed in awe.
"Whatcha reading shrimp?" A voice said. Levy blushed and turned around.
"Ga....Gajeel...?!" She said blushing.
"You reading a naughty book shrimp." Gajeel teased. Levy blushed deepened.
"Baka!" Levy screamed.
Gajeel chuckled lightly.
"Wanna go get a soda?" He asked.
Levy perked up.
"She smiled and nodded, quickly getting over his rude remark.
Gajeel grinned and got off the sand.
"C'mon shrimp." He said gesturing to the beach bar.
"Hai." She nodded following him.


Juvia fiddled with her thumbs and blushed rapidly.
"Did I really like Gray..?" She questioned herself. "Or was it just my mind wanting to feel loved.."
"Juvia.." Lyon said looking up.
"Lyon-Kun..?" She mumbled blushing.
Lyon blushed rapidly and turned away, So she wouldn't notice.
"She added Kun with my name!!!" He screamed inside his head.
"Why are you here?" She asked.
Lyon turned around.
"Mira asked me to come to help out over here and I couldn't resist." He chuckled lightly rubbing his head.
"Soda ne..." Juvia muttered.
She looked up and smiled.
"I'm glad your here Lyon-Kun.."


I'm sorry minna it's so short:/
But it's time for me to go to bed I'll update soon:)

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