Chapter Fourteen ~ Broken

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Haha I guess I got you all xD

You guys made me laugh so hard my friends gave me a weird look

Anyways this story is coming to a end it wasn't suppose to be long it was suppose to be short I wasn't expecting a 2nd book till I came near the end and I would love to make this story longer its just that vacations don't last that long and it wouldn't be right in this story:/


Chapter Fourteen

Erza walked silently pass gray without a glance.
"I can't face him..." She thought.
She found out about his kiss with Juvia and it felt like everything crashed down again.
"Erza." She turned around to see gray staring at her.
"Ye...yes..?" She asked afraid to hear whatever he was going to say. He sighed and sat down gesturing to the seat next to him.
She reluctantly sat down and grew anxious to hear what he was going to say to her.
"About the kiss....I didn't know what I was doing and I think Juvia feels the same way...She comforted me when I saw you and...Jellal..." The way he said it sounded as if it were deadly. "I felt nothing nor did it feel right." He said truthfully. Erza was lost for words and with that being said he got off the bed and grabbed a pillow and a blanket. Once he grabbed the handle for the door w felt a warm hand on his arm, he turned to see a fragile Erza.
He wasn't use to this state, it felt foreign to him. He turned to face her properly and once he did she pulled him in for a kiss.


Levy sighed as Gajeel paced across the room. He was embarrassed that Natsu kept winking while gesturing to levy and someone as scary and brave as him shouldn't feel that feeling.

As for levy she felt flustered, she liked Gajeel and always have, but due to his rough and rebellious attitude it wasn't easy to confess to him nor talk about it with him.
But since Lucy confessed to Natsu she felt a urge to confess to him.
And that was going to happen tonight.
"Gajeel?" She said breaking the silence. The pacing stopped and Gajeel turned to face her.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
Levy turned red and stood up,
"Have you ever felt tingly and weird with someone?" She asked.
Gajeel was taken back with this quotation.
"Wh..why?" He asked.
"Because I feel that way....with you." She spoke up.
Gajeel stood silent and with that he walked out of the room without a other word or glance.
He left a teary eyed levy alone....


Mira woke up to see a sleeping Laxus. She smiled softly, he looked cute and peaceful.
"I wish it could stay like this.."
Then all of a sudden Laxus woke up with a slight shake.
"I see your ok now." He said standing up. Mira nodded with a soft smile.
"Thank you Laxus." Laxus looked away trying to hide a blush, but failed miserably. Mira giggled.
"Is the great strong Laxus blushing?" She asked playfully.
"Sh...shut up..."
"Where are we anyways?"
"We're at my girlfriends house."
Hear that shattering sound?
Well that was Mira's heart breaking once again....


Natsu sighed as Lucy took her time in the bath. He was bored out of his mind....
That was until Lissana came inside the room.
"Hi Natsu." She smiled.
"Oh hi Lisanna."
Lisanna looked around and frowned.
"What's wrong?" He asked. Lisanna looked up at him.
"Well it seems we have no more
Ice cream..."
Natsu stood up and smiled.
"Then lets go get some together."
Lisanna smiled back at him.
"Are you sure Lucy won't mind you going out with me?"
"Lucy won't have to know besides
she can stay here with levy."
And with that the childhood lovers walked out.


"Are you sure Lucy won't mind you going out with me?" She heard Lisanna ask.
"Lucy won't have to know besides she can stay here with levy."
She heard Natsu answer.
Lucy frowned at this.
"Guess he rather spend time with Lisanna then his own girlfriend."
She sighed and fell to the floor.
"Guess we won't go out tonight..."
She said looking at her prepared dress. She wiped off her makeup and brushed down her curls.

"Hey Luce lets go out on a date tonight." Natsu said as they walked to their room.
"Tonight are you sure?"
"Yeah I rather spend time with you." He grinned childishly.

Once again Lucy felt broken...


Don't worry Jella isn't out of this and we haven't seen Juvia's thoughts on the kiss.....

What about Gajeel's reaction towards the confession...?

Or Mira's surprise...?

And what's about Erza & Gray's kiss...?

Do you think Natsu and Lucy will have a big argument...?

Or will Lucy solve it with a other resolution...?

I won't tolerate any HATE so keep your stupid HATE comments to yourself....

With that being said I hope you enjoyed this early update:D


Realization will bloom..
Gray & Erza finally resolve their problem...
Lucy will finally see why it was wrong to date Natsu...
Mira deals with her heartbroken feelings somewhere else...

Update: 8/2/14

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