Chapter 7- TEMPE

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"Boyd! Come on, you fat sack of crap, come get your chow," there was a beat, then my ex husbands mutt came lumbering into the kitchen. I watched him go in disdain, wondering how often Pete gave in to the pooch's pleas for more food. When Boyd was happily distracted i threw a few biscuits out for Birdie, then turning to the washing up.

"I'm home!" A familiar voice called as the front door slammed shut, i heard rustling, then Detective Andrew Ryan loped into the kitchen. Yes, i'd finally given in to his offer of moving in together. After his second try with Lutetia crashed and burned we were on a less rocky road in our relationship. "Hey, watcha doin' sweet cheeks?" Arms wrapped around me, and i felt my eyes roll.

"Washing up, i was thinking of ordering curry tonight-"


"Who's phoning at this hour?" Ryan groaned, plucking the phone from it's holder and pressing it to his ear.

"Hello?" He was silent for a moment, then turned to me and held the phone out. "It's your nephew, he sounds pretty upset," Frowning, i took the phone from my lover.


"Aunt Tempe," my nephew sobbed down the phone, the utterly broken tone of his voice startling me.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

"I can't take it, auntie... I want her back..."

Oh, Kit.

I closed my eyes, worrying my lip as i thought about what to say. When he was fifteen Kit ran away from home, then a year later he got in touch with me. He begged that i didn't tell his parents where he was, that they didn't care about him and he wanted nothing to do with them. I begrudgingly agreed, knowing that my sister had always treated Kit like a hindrance instead of a son, and never really paid attention to him. He introduced me to his daughter, the reason he ran away, and i fell in love with her immediately. We met up regularly and he would tell me about his life, i became like a stand in mother for him. I'd heard of Cole's disappearance, knew how much it tore my nephew apart. That girl was his everything.

"Kit, calm down... What's happened?" He'd seemed better when i spoke to him two nights ago, like he was at least pulling through. Now, apparently, he was slipping back down.

"You re-remember that girl i dated, Anna? Then we br-oke up?" He started after a while, i exchanged phone hands and batted Ryan away as he tried to sneak some food.

"I do,"

"Well... Some social wor-kers *hic* came by today, and they told me that she'd died..."

"Oh, honey that's terrible, is that why you're so upset?" It seemed unlikely, Kit had had many girlfriends, and even some boyfriends, while he was growing up. He did it to try and get Harry's attention, but it never worked. I didn't see why he'd be so upset about the death of someone he hadn't spoken to for years.

"N-no, they said that i have a da-daughter with her, and i have to ta-take her in cause she doesn't have anyone else..." And there it was.

"Is she definitely yours?" I offered helplessly, not knowing how to tackle this new information.

"Apparently... I just, i feel like i'm replacing Cole... Like, she's disappeared so i just get another daughter inste-ad, and what if she is still alive? What if they find her, and she comes home to find that her room is being used by someone else? And i don't even know what Whit will say, i don't know what to do anymore, Tempe... I just want my little girl back..."

"Kit, listen to me. You are not replacing Cole, you could never replace her. And i know she would never think of it like that either. But this girl is your daughter too, she needs her dad." The line fell silent, and if it weren't for the muffled sobs i could still hear i would've thought my nephew hung up. Then,

"Thank you for talking sense into me, Aunt Tempe, i'm not thinking straight."

"Sweetie you have every excuse not to be thinking straight, just take your mind of everything for a while, ok? Go out somewhere,"

"Yeah i was going to go to Tom's, have a few beers, we're both pretty messed up right now,"

"Beer, just what you need, go have fun,"

"Thank you, auntie, it was good talking to you," i smiled gently.

"You too, my love. I'll come round within the next few days, alright?"

"I'd like that, see you soon,"



I pulled the phone away from my ear and put it on the side, turned and gratefully stepping into Ryan's open arms.

"He's hurting, Ryan..." I mumbled, closing my eyes and focusing on my lovers heartbeat. "He's hurting, and there's nothing i can do..."

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