Chapter 30- CHANCE

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I cursed softly, tossing the papers back onto the desk and leaning back in my chair, rubbing my eyes.
I must've read these documents a thousand times, but was no closer to making any sense of it.
Stifling a yawn, I locked the files away once again and shoved from the desk, ambling from the study and down the hall to the sitting room.
Yet again, her presence caught me by surprise.
She was sat on the large windowsill, curled up, staring blankly out into the vast back garden.
Her eyes burned with a familiar molten red light, something I'd seen more often than the vibrant green hue she'd been born with since that day on Dewee's Island.
I almost envied how easily the flare came to her, how long she could burn for. Days at a time, sometimes, without getting tired or remotely affected after she snuffed it.
But then I was reminded of the evident horrors she'd been through in the last year, and the envy was quickly replaced with anguish at how much she'd suffered.
Shaking my head, I made my way across the room and settled beside her, following her gaze to see a fox snuffling at the very end of the garden.
I could barely make out it's eyes from this distance, she could probably count the eyelashes.
"She had cubs." I barely heard her, she didn't look at me. "They were killed. Look at her, she's still mourning them." I watched the fox, trying to see what she was seeing, but all I saw was a fox.
Then she turned on me, smiling brightly, and I was almost tricked into thinking it was just old times.
Except the eyes.
It wasn't just the fact that they were inhumanly red, though that was a huge factor. They were just so... Haunted. I could see the broken girl under the facade.
What had happened in that lab?
"So, *brother*." She nudged my leg with her foot, winking when I snorted. "What do you do for entertainment around here? I've done my month of contemplation, I want to do things now." I raised an eyebrow at her, knowing exactly what she was really asking, and laughed despite myself, shoving from the window seat and dragging her into a one armed hug.
I was obscenely happy when her arm wound around my waist in response, grinning and towing her out of the room.
"Yes, Cole. We have a swimming pool."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2015 ⏰

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