Chapter 12- HI

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I stood in the entrance to the bunker, jaw slack. Shelton tumbled in behind me, crashing straight into my back.

"Dude, what the hell?!" He grumbled, brushing dust off his ass where he hit the floor. I hand shushed him, not looking away from the singled black balloon floating in the corner of the room.

"Look..." Shelton followed my gaze, then gasped. Cold settled in my blood. "Shelton, what date is it today?"

"November 7th, why- oh."

"Her birthday..." Every year Cole had complained about people making a fuss of her on her birthday, she hated it so much that, in order to stop her bitching every year, we just took to putting a single black balloon in the bunker to celebrate. Apparently, someone felt like sneaking in and continuing the tradition.

"I don't like this, Hi... It's like she's haunting us..." Shelton gulped, i rolled my eyes and stepped forwards to touch the balloon.

"Ben did this, he must've done." I turned back to my friend. "Guess he's not going to want to meet up today then,"

"What do we do? Do we take it down? Tory will ask about it," i felt my mood darken at the mention of her name, and shook my head.

"We leave it here, it's in her memory, and i'm gonna honour that." Fucking bitch. I think i could establish now that i strongly disliked Victoria Brennan. They may have had the same father, but she was no relation to my best friend. Weak, a coward. She had no backbone to speak of, and let those popular idiots push her around without so much as a fight. She'd immediately come in here and claimed the place, trying to rule over us, but not like Cole did.

Tory acted like she was queen.

It irritated me to no end, as well as the fact that she endlessly worked to try and get Ben alone. She'd organise study lessons without us, or trips to the cinema, or going out for lunch. Of course Ben told us -he hated her more than i did- and she was always so pissed off when me and Shelton turned up to her would-be dates. I mean, she should really have gotten the picture by now that he *wasn't interested*. Oh and speak of the devil.

"Oh hey guys," Tory grinned impishly at us and i fixed a goofy grin in place. Hey, i had to at least pretend to like her!

"Well hello there- oof!" The tennis ball collided with the side of my head and went rolling along the floor, i raised an eyebrow at Shelton, who smirked at me and flashed a thumbs up. I nodded in his direction, getting that he was trying to distract me. "Your aim is true, young padawan," i applauded, rubbing my aching jaw. Shelton smirked at me.

"What's that?" Tory asked, eyeing the balloon suspiciously. I shrugged.

"I was thinking of decorating this shit hole, not feeling it?"

"Eh, why not? Could look cool." She grinned at me. "Is Ben not coming?" Feigning only moderate interest. Do. Not. Roll. Eyes.

"Nope, he's busy today,"

"Oh? What's he doing?"

"Beats me," that was a lie, i knew exactly what he'd be doing.

He'd be visiting her.

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