Chapter 24- SHELTON

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Everyone was acting seriously weird.
Tory's plan to return to Claybourne's place was stupid, as usual, but we went anyway.
As usual.
Now, sitting in the foyer of the house that couldn't possibly be called a house, I noticed that no one seemed to be acting remotely normally.
Hi was still being his stupid self, impersonating some ancient dead guy, but he seemed jumpy. Not as into it as he usually was.
Ben was staring at the floor, looking guilty as sin for some reason. What the hell was up with him recently? He didn't blow up a park by being stupid enough to press a random freaking button.
Holy hell, Hi.
Then Chance came in, and that was weird on a whole new level.
He didn't look haggard and ill anymore, having recovered from whatever put him in the mental hospital, and he carried himself with the same strength he had before all this mess had started.
But there was something, barely there, lurking in his eyes. A kind of fear, anxiety, something well hidden behind a front.
I wasn't the only one that noticed.
In fact, the only one who hadn't noticed was Tory.
Ben was frowning at Chance, calculating, trying to figure out what was different.
Hi wasn't poking fun as much as usual, though I had my own theories about that, and sat mostly silent throughout the entire ordeal.
But there was Tory, pushing buttons as usual.
I wasn't entirely surprised when he refused the gold, knew he couldn't possibly need any more money, but still felt the cold hard dread knot my gut at the last statement.
Gold eyes. Gold.
He knew.
"If you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be." He flipped the coin once, caught it, and threw a wave, staring long and hard at Ben for a moment before frowning and turning away.
When we were outside, I finally allowed myself to breathe again.
"I need to go, guys." Ben said abruptly, eyes trained on the ground. Tory opened her mouth to argue but Ben didn't give her the chance to, turning and disappearing in the other direction. I stared after him, elbowing Hi, who just shrugged and followed Tory.
Yeah, everyone was acting weird.

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