Chapter 17- SHELTON

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"You're insane." I hissed, glancing fervently at the huge house Tory wanted to break into. "Like, seriously insane."
"That's the freaking Claybourne Manor, Tory!" Hi joined in, face red with the effort if not running away. Hell, i'd only be a step behind him. "Do you know what Chance would do if he found you in there?! You'd be hung, drawn and quartered for sure!"
"Will both of you calm down? We need answers, and we're only going to get them here. Now get going and scout around, i'll meet you at the marina in half an hour," i raised an eyebrow at the determination set into Tory's face, then glanced at Hi. He shrugged, and we stood up.
"Half an hour." Hi repeated, grabbing my arm and towing me away. "My god, she is so fucking stupid!" He growled when we got out of earshot. I shrugged, smirking despite the situation.
"Hiram, what would your mother say about your potty mouth?" Then my face darkened. "But you're right, she is stupid... And reckless, she's using this-" i tapped my temple, an uneasy expression on my face. "-way too freely. Hell, we don't even know what's happened to us, we could be dying a little more every time we flare," Hi sighed, stopping and leaning against a wall with closed eyes.
"Cole would know what to do," i fell next to him, stuffing my hands in my pockets and dropping my head back so i was watching the sky.
"Cole always knew what to do," i laughed. "Do you remember that time in year seven, first day, we got cornered by those year elevens? Me and you shit ourselves."
"Yeah, and Cole talked our way out of it!" Hi giggled. "'That'll really make you seem hard when you tell your buddies that you beat up two underdeveloped eleven year old boys and a little girl.' She was a bloody genius!" We both laughed at the memory, then fell into companionable silence. Then i shoved Hi's shoulder.
"Come on, doofus, lets go do that scouting,"

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