Chapter 19- BEN

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WARNING FOR THIS CHAPTER AND ONWARDS- Coming out, homosexuality.
No judgement over the character pairings, it's just something my best friend and I have been toying with over the last few weeks.
Ja ne!
I was crouched aboard Sewee, hooking up the new engine i'd bought with my share of Anne Bonny's treasure. I heard footsteps on the dock, and looked up to see my dad strolling towards me.
"Hey kid," he called, throwing a wave in my direction. "You busy?"
"Not especially, just finished wiring the new engine, why?" I straightened up and swung up onto the dock, making sure the line was still tight before turning to my dad. Tom smiled.
"Just wondering," He leaned against the side of a post and watched me for a moment, shrugging when I raised an eyebrow at him. "He's out." I bristled at his words, turning away, but my father didn't let up. "Got home today, you should go see him."
"Should I?" I scowled at the floor, anger welling up in my chest, Tom stepped forwards and put a hand on my shoulder.
"You two used to be close, son. Real close. You could use someone to open up to again."
"We haven't spoken as friends for a very long time, and that was his call." I smiled bitterly, pulling away and starting back up the dock. "Who am I to pour salt in old wounds?" Dad sighed behind me but didn't press further, and we both walked home in silence.
"Are you going anywhere today?"
"Yeah, Hi's got a new game we're gonna try out."
"Outlast? It's meant to be really good, we're taking bets on how long Shelton'll stay in the room." Dad laughed, falling into step and ruffling my hair.
"Have fun then, I'll see you later, I'm going to Kit's for beers." Of course he was.
"You do realise you're a borderline alcoholic?" I dodged the slug he threw at me, grinning, and my father rolled his eyes with a smirk, slapping my back before starting towards Kit's house at the other end of the complex. I turned in the other direction, heading towards the Stolowitski residence with my hands stuffed deep in my pockets. Tory was away for the weekend, visiting old friends thank God, so we'd decided to meeting up as the three of us. Something we hadn't been able to do for way too long.
I checked my watch and sighed. I was early, but Hi never usually did anything on weekends, so he was probably in.
True to form, when I knocked on the door Ruth answered it with a broad smile, telling me that I needed to go and get her son 'off his ass for once'.
"It's good to see you happier, my love." She gushed, hugging me tightly before pushing me in the direction of the stairs. I smiled and nodded at her, jogging up to my best friend's room and pushing the door open.
The sight I was greeted with was shocking enough to have me wondering if I'd fallen asleep and been transported to an alternate universe.
Because Hi didn't cry.
"Hey, hey. Come on." I quickly shut the door and made my way over to the bed, pulling Hiram's hands away from his face and drawing him against me. He gripped my shirt instantly, whole body shaking, and buried his face in my chest. "Shh, it's ok, buddy."
"No it's not." Hi muttered, taking several deep breaths before pulling away, wiping his eyes.
"Want to talk about it?" I asked gently, conscious of the fact that Shelton could be back from his date any minute, and that Hi probably wouldn't want to explain to him.
Hell, he probably didn't want to explain to me.
Hiram shrugged, looking away and sniffing harshly, then groaned and threw himself backwards against the wall.
I winced at the dull thud as his head made impact with the plaster.
"Do you ever feel like you were born all wrong?" He eventually asked, staring blankly at the ceiling. "Like, you should've been someone else, somewhere else, and you're here by accident?" I frowned, thinking on what he said, and Hi snorted before I got a chance to answer. "I must sound crazy. I just... Shit, I hate this. This... Lying. Hiding. I thought it'd get easier to ignore, but it just hurts."
"Lying about what?"
"About me! Who I am!" He slapped a hand to his face, rubbed it harshly. "Cole knew, she told me it'd be fine, everyone would accept me. That she'd be behind me every step of the way. But that's not going to happen. She's gone now, and it's not any easier." I ignored the sting her name gave me and leaned forwards, bracing my arms on my best friend's shoulders.
"Hi, I'm here. You can tell me anything, you know that. I'm never going to be in a position to judge you." Hi met my gaze, looking horribly like he was going to cry again, then he sighed shakily and looked away again.
"I'm gay." He muttered, staring intently at the carpet. I faltered momentarily, then quickly caught myself and squeezed his shoulders affectionately.
But I didn't get a chance to comfort him.
"You're that upset over being gay?" We both looked to the door, where Shelton was stood grinning impishly. "Shit, dude, way to give a complex to the rest of the 'Parade."
"Appropriate." I told him dryly, he merely shrugged and came to join me on the bed.
"Come on, Hi. What did you think we'd do? I'm an avid 1D fan after all, I seriously can't judge you."
"That's true." I laughed, rubbing Hi's arm and smiling when he met my gaze. "Hiram Stolowitski, you are my best friend. You have been right next to me during my depression, even if you didn't know about it at first, you have no idea how much you've helped me. I literally would not be here without you. Being gay does not change who you are, not one bit, it doesn't make me love you any less and it doesn't make you any less my best friend, so stop crying, and I may even let you drag me to the next Pride Parade."
"Can I buy the feather boas?" Shelton quipped, nudging my arm. "I don't have a huge, gut wrenching speech like that, but I agree that you're still Hi, being gay isn't gonna improve your fashion sense, which is still horrific by the way." Hi snorted, wiping his eyes and smiling despite himself.
"Thanks guys, seriously. You have no idea how much I love you guys."
"As long as you don't try it on, I'm fine." Shelton shoved off the bed, grabbing the game we were supposed to be playing. "Lets get this over with, I'll try not to piss myself too much."
"I will hold you to that, Devers. You get bodily juices on my floor I will throw you out the window." Hi crawled off his bed and turned on the tv, taking the disc from Shelton's grasp and popping it into his PS4.
"How did your date go anyway?" I kicked off my shoes, moving to the floor and shoving Shelton's shoulder. The skinny prick smirked at me.
"It was fine, we watched Game of Thrones." I felt my eyes roll, faking a yawn, and my two friends simultaneously kicked at me.
What can I say? Game of Thrones was shit.
"I still can't believe you and Calla are together. Like, when the hell have you even talked to each other?" Hi plugged in the controller, shoving his way between us and leaning back against his bed.
"Love at first sight, dude. You wouldn't understand." I elbowed Hi and leant towards him, stage whispering loud enough for Shelton to hear.
"Bet they haven't even kissed."
"Hey! There is such a thing as taking it slow, ass bag! Just 'cause you and Cole skipped to the 'we're gonna trying and swallow each other's tongues' phase!"
"It's called passion. You might not be familiar with it." I told him matter-of-fact, grinning when he threw a pillow at me. Hi grinned back at me.
"Hey, who needs physical contact when your date consists of watching Game of Thrones? That involves more sex and dirty stuff for the real world as the dragons."
"Ugh, you're all dicks." Shelton shuffled away from us, huffing dramatically and trying his hardest not to smirk. Hi and I exchanged a high five and immediately started the game, both watching our small friend closely to see how long it would take him to hide behind his hands.
I couldn't help but imagine what Cole would do if she were here, and how much more she would tease Shelton for his inability to play horror games.
And then she'd laugh, steal the controller from Hi and tell him bluntly that he wasn't playing well enough, and then she'd hug him and mutter comfort in his ear and get rid of the lingering pain on his face in the way only she was capable of, and she'd form an unhealthy attachment to a random character, and that would be teasing material for the next month or so. During which time she'd find some way of getting payback on me, and then I'd have to take her out for the night as recompense.
But Cole wasn't here any more.
That was never going to be something I could come to terms with.

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