Going Viral (A Virals Story)

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I hated my school. I know what you're thinking, all kids hate school. But no, it wasn't the fact that i was stuck in a room and actually had to learn things, in truth i rather enjoyed that part. No, it was my classmates which caused me to dread waking up on a weekday. See, i'd grown up on a tiny island with a grand total of 20 inhabitants. My only three friends were the other kids on the island, all guys, and all absolutely mental. The four of us got into a private, hoity toity posh school on a scholarship, and to say we weren't welcome there would be the understatement of the century. I was targetted most, probably because i was the unnamed leader of our ragtag little group. Every day in the corridors i was shoved, called names, laughed at. I mean, I was 15, I never knew snotty rich kids could be so immature. Fortunately, my father always taught me to stick up for myself. So if people bitched at me, I bitched back. They hit me, i hit back. The idiots soon learned to leave us well alone.

Today was a friday, and i was more than looking forward to the weekend. I was sat in Biology drawing absently on the corner of my notebook, having already preread the notes for that lesson by accident the night before. Next to me, Hiram Stolowitski was trying and failing to stay awake and actually pay attention. Of the three guys, I'd known Hi the longest. We lived with his family for the first few years of our lives, after Hi's parents took my 15 year old dad in just after i was born. So, as you can probably guess, Hi and I are pretty close. I elbowed him gently and he snorted awake, looking around blearily before blinking at me.

"Shit, what day is it?" He mumbled, rubbing furiously at his eyes. I hid a snort in my blazer sleeve.

"Friday, douche. What's up with you?"

"Mum had us at Temple until half ten last night. Then there was an hour and a half drive back. I think that woman is actually trying to kill me." My friend groaned, lying face down on the table and grabbing fist fulls of his hair. "What's on the agenda for after school, miss Howard? Or will you let me sleep for once?" I rolled my eyes at him, absently chewing on the end of my pen.

"No idea, we could go to Loggerhead or something? I want to stay out of the house as long as possible,"

"Whitney on the prowl again?" Hi winked at me and i groaned, shoving his shoulder. My step mother, Whitney Howard (formerly Whitney Dubois) was like my polar opposite. She was the sheer embodiment of all things girly, i was a gothic tomboy. During my younger years, I'd always been terrified to express my individuality due to fear of upsetting my step mother. Then, as i watched my father morph into someone who should've been the opposite of her type i got more confident with myself. We disagreed quite a lot, but I loved her to death. I'd always been closer to my dad though.

"She's trying to drag me prom dress shopping." i groaned. "I lost count of how many times i've tried telling her that prom is next year." Hi snorted, peering over my shoulder at the song lyrics i'd scribbled down then shrugging when he couldn't guess the song.

"Let's just swap families, warning though: my mum makes you do chores."

"My dad snores. Like a car engine." we both burst into simultaneous hysterics, causing the people around us to shoot death glares and hand-shush us. i rolled my eyes, purposely turning away from them and pretending to focus on the board. The bell rang ten minutes later, and Hiram and I immediately bolted for the door.

"Are we meeting the rest of the dork patrol at the bench?" Hi asked, struggling to keep up with my fast pace.

"Yeah, and don't let Ben hear you call him that. He will kick your ass." I chided lightly, Hi shrugged and smirked at me.

"You'll protect my from your rabid boyfriend though, right? Shit, it's still so weird thinking of you two as an item!" He clapped my shoulder and i rolled my eyes, clipping him round the ear.

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