Chapter 14- KIT

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As soon as i got home i knew i wasn't alone. I figured it was Tory, back early from her cinema run, so didn't pay much attention to it.

"Tor! You home?" I called up the stairs, no answer. "Tory?" I started up the stairs, knocking on her door. I pushed it open, it was empty. "What the hell..." Then i saw it, in the corner of my eye.

Cole's door.

The door i always kept locked, the room Tory thought was just an old storage cupboard. It was open. I swallowed thickly, walking cautiously towards the room. As i edged closer i heard quiet sobbing drifting through the open door, and fervently hoped that i could retain my scepticism of the paranormal. Cole wasn't haunting me, was she...? I pushed the door open and peered in, momentarily stunned by how unchanged the room was. The walls were still black and covered in countless band and anime posters, there was still a mess of makeup wipes on the floor that she refused to pick up. But there was something else on the floor, something out of place in the untouched room.

Ben, sobbing into his hands.

I sighed and shut the door behind me, walking over and kneeling infront of the hysterical boy. I registered the rope circled around his neck, the snapped wooden beam behind him that had come from the ceiling. "Oh, Ben..." With ginger movements, i carefully loosened the noose and slid it over his head, laying it on the floor and wrapping my arms around him. "Why?"

"I want to go with her." He muttered, he'd stopped sobbing, but i could still see the tears lingering in his eyes as he leaned away from me slightly. "I can't stand being here any more, Kit. I'm sorry for breaking in... I just came to think,"

"And hang yourself," i added, my voice soft. Ben shrugged.

"I didn't mean to do that, i wasn't thinking. Everything just came crashing down on me..." He rubbed his face, glaring at the ceiling. "Shit, i'm such a mess."

"Are you still taking your anti-depressants?" I asked cautiously, Ben glanced at me then shrugged again.

"Yeah, i have to go back to my specialist next week to be reassessed..."

"You gonna tell him about this? He needs to know, Ben,"

"I know, i know, i will... I want to stop feeling like this, but i can't..." I rubbed his back, not knowing what to say to make everything better. Ben sighed after a minute, rubbing his face and smiling at me. "Don't tell my dad about this, yeah? I don't need him worrying about me any more than he already does,"

"I guess, but this doesn't happen again, you hear? You're stronger than this." He nodded, i stood up and helped him to his feet. He hugged me tightly.

"Thanks, Kit..."

"You're always welcome, buddy, now get gone before Tory comes asking what's happened," we walked out into the hall and i relocked the door, following the teen downstairs into the hall. "See you!" I waved him off and closed the door, leaning against it and closing my eyes.

'Cole, we need you...'

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