Nothing Could Have Prepared Him For This

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A Pointed Journey -Demons Come to Starling City

Chapter 1 Nothing Could Have Prepared Him For This

Oliver stood in the alley behind Verdant, again. He felt that lately he was spending as much time lurking in the alley behind his club as in it. Odd though it was that Thea had appointed herself club manager after the Undertaking and his failure to stop it; it made leading his life easier. No one really expected him to be overseeing things so his odd comings and goings didn't seem to attract much attention. The reason for this evening's lurk was Roy's signal arrow stuck high in the alley wall; over the last few months they had worked out a code with that arrow so Oliver would know how fast he needed to get in contact. Looking at where Roy left it, Oliver was pretty sure he had been standing on a trash can, it was almost out of sight of the camera watching the alley. The code was pretty simple, the higher up the arrow was, the more urgent the information Roy had. The text from Felicity about the arrow was pretty standard Felicity speak "It's in all the way, and as high up it is ever been. Come now!” He smiled just thinking of how she must have cringed after she sent that. He loved her like a sister but sometimes he wasn't quite sure if she phrased things like that just to try and get a reaction from him or if she was just that awkward. He heard a noise down the alley and slipped back into the shadows to watch.

He saw Roy approaching their usual spot, he was amazed Thea still let him wear that red hoodie. However the clothes underneath the trademark hoodie were obviously new and high end. Apparently Thea was going with small steps on renovating her boyfriend.

"Roy, over here, " he said.

"Oh hey, there's something pretty bad going on. It's kids man, someone is taking kids.” Roy's voice held something akin to fear, Roy didn't show fear often. It made him take a closer look.

“What's going on?" He tried to make his voice a bit more calming, Roy was obviously spooked. Electronically disguising his voice made it harder for subtle emotions to come through when he talked, but it was a necessary precaution.

"It's weird….I am not sure how to explain it. Look, you may not believe me but I swear it's the truth. This may take awhile though. You sure you want to hang out back here?" Roy had been trying to figure out where The Vigilante was based out of for months. Oliver had to give him credit for persistence but in this case he had a point, if this was going to take longer than two or three minutes someone may see them. Oliver knew about ten ways up and out of this alley although he wasn't sure the Roy could keep up with him, but he knew Roy would not be happy with being carried up onto a roof.

"Ok Roy, see that fire escape? Get up there and follow it to the roof. There's a gap though since the earthquake so be careful." That was the easiest one of the paths Oliver usually followed. Roy rolled his eyes, smirked and hopped up onto the escape. He cleared the gap easy with a nice jump and muscle up to the next level. Roy moved well, almost as well as he did. Oliver followed him up to the roof. Once on top they crouched down out of sight.

Roy looked at him "Was that supposed to be hard?"

Oliver took a breath, stopping any harsh reply. "No, what's this information?" Roy's eyes lost the cocky teenage look and got nervous and a bit wide.

"Ok, this has been going on for about two-three weeks now. At first I didn't think anything of kids not showing up in the usual places, it's the Glades, people move around a lot so not seeing someone for a few weeks is no big deal. " He stopped as if trying to find the words. "Look the Glades, it has a feel to it, you can tell when things are normal, when people are nervous, if there's a new big bad guy in town. You know?" Oliver nodded for Roy to continue. "Ok so, the last few days, things have felt wrong. Like something big is coming, or some new player. So I started looking into things, asking questions and here's where it gets spooky. I know some of the kids that have disappeared, I know their families, I know who has grandparents, who doesn't. Anyway, I went to some of their houses and I was going to talk to their parents but as I was walking up to the first house, I don't know, something told me not to knock on the door."

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