Meet the Boys

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Chapter 2 Meet the Boys

One week earlier

Sam sat down at yet another nameless diner in some backwater town and swore if he had one more short stack of pancakes he would not have to worry about the coming war between heaven and hell. He would just shoot himself with the Colt and hope wherever he ended up afterwards had made to order omelets, fresh fruit that was composed of something other than grapes and honeydew and maybe, just maybe decent coffee. The only flaw in that theory was the Colt might completely destroy his soul, which still sounded better than another diner breakfast.

He looked across the Formica table at his brother, happily devouring bacon, sausage and undercooked eggs as if they were the best meal he had ever had. Sam shook his head and wondered, not for the first time, if in some genetic fluke, Dean had never developed taste buds.

"So Sammy!" Dean said, way too enthusiastically for eight in the morning, "Find any good jobs?"

He decided to be daring and ordered the skillet breakfast, it had green peppers, which he hoped would have some flavor. "Not really. Things have been quiet, which is probably bad." The lack of demon signs lately was frustrating him.

"Come on Sam! Be optimistic, maybe all the demons decided that they needed a vacation. Or they could be planning a party for me when I show up! Yeah, that'd be awesome!” Dean was still making light of his contract, Sam hated that, but he understood why.

"Sure Dean, ham and hot chicks on every table. Of course they'd be on fire, along with you.”

Dean winked at him, "Heh, I'm always on fire Sam. You know that."  Sam shook his head but had to laugh a little. Dean raised his coffee cup in a salute, appreciating the fact that he was willing to laugh with him and ignore the glaring, hellish truth of their lives.

Sam's breakfast arrived and he had to grudgingly admit it was decent, he could actually detect the peppers. They finished up and headed back to their room to see if they could find a job to do. He could never decide which part of this life was the best part, he loved the research and could lose himself in it for hours. That skill had served him well in college, but he had to admit there were times that he craved the adrenaline rush of being on a hunt, even though he would never admit that to Dean. When the two of them were actually on a hunt, everything else faded away, they had a problem to solve, someone to save and something to destroy, exorcise or provide a sense of peace to. There was meaning in it, a sense of purpose. He and Dean had been hunting together long enough that they moved without talking anymore. They knew their strengths and weaknesses and protected each other. These lulls in between hunts, Dean's smart ass side came out more. It was his way of dealing with the lack of focus. There had been many, many times when he had been tempted to break something on the Impala without Dean knowing just so Dean could fix the car instead of sitting in the room being obnoxious. Unfortunately for that plan, he liked keeping his face intact so he tried to tune his brother out as much as possible and focus on other things.

He had been trying to figure out a way to make gathering possible jobs go faster, he had been working on building and moderating a website where people could post things they thought might be supernatural in nature. Like most sites it had started out slow, he had contacted Ellen and told her about it. His idea was hunters could post things as well to help keep in touch with each other, give heads ups on new information, divvy up jobs along with the general populace posting weird things. In the last few months the site had been picking up traffic and he tended to start his day off looking at that first. There weren't a lot of new posts but one caught his eye. It was a new user and the style of typing and phrasing made it pretty clear in was a kid typing on a cell phone. All it said was " Hlp me, Mom and Dad r not real! They r monsters! My frnd is gone n I thnk Im next. msg me pls!"

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