Resurrection and Acceptance

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Chapter 14 Resurrection and Acceptance

Oliver got back to the club and Felicity pulled in right behind him. He walked into Arrow HQ and immediately started changing. He wanted to strip off the memories of what he had seen along with his clothes but knew that would never happen. Felicity walked in behind him and he heard her gasp. He looked down at his chest and arms. He was covered in bruises, by all rights he should have a couple broken limbs and probably some crushed ribs but all he had was bruises. He was thankful but knew he had to have a long conversation with the Winchesters. He needed to know what had really happened, what was the green light, why had Shado and Yao Fei shown up.

"I don't know how I 'm still in one piece but I am going to find out. I should be a lot more injured than I am."

"No. Not that, your dragon tattoo, hold on." She grabbed a mirror out of her purse. They walked into the bathroom and he looked at the tattoo. It had always been an outline, no real coloring to it which is why he was so confused when he looked at it. It was full of greens, red and blues all shifting inside the lines, the colors were starting to fade though.

He looked at Felicity, "We need to film this, grab my phone." She ran and got his phone and filmed the shifting colors until they finished fading away.

"I am going to talk to Sam and Dean tonight. I need answers. " He started to turn then caught himself. Felicity shouldn't be alone. "Diggle will probably need someone to help him tonight, he was pretty cut up. Come with me to the hotel and you can take him home. I want to talk to them alone please. "

Felicity heard the tone of his voice and realized he was on edge so she just nodded and they headed to the hotel after Oliver got dressed.

They got to the hotel and knocked on the door. Oliver heard Sam yell "Come in!" He guessed they were in too much pain to move much. He and Felicity walked in.

"Oh, hello Oliver, nice to officially meet you," Dean said in between drinks from a beer, Sam had a couple of empty cans stacked next to him on the table and Dean wasn't far behind. Diggle was drinking too but looked like he was doing it just to be polite. "We figured you'd be stopping by. Want a drink? " Dean asked. Oliver nodded and Dean tossed a beer at him. "I'd get you some Scotch or something but it hurts to move right now. Felicity? " She shook her head.

Diggle looked at Oliver, "No one needed stitches fortunately, we just finished cleaning out all the wounds and covering them up. I take it you want to chat with the brothers alone?" He asked.

"Yes, I am not trying to cut you out..." Oliver started to say but Diggle raised his hand to silence him.

"When you want to tell us you will. You need answers, hopefully they have them. I'll head out with Felicity. Night guys. Thanks for everything." Diggle stood up and as he walked past Oliver their eyes met and Oliver nodded his thanks. They shut the door behind them and Oliver sat down across from Sam and Dean.

He looked at the men across from him and said one word. "How?"

A small, weary smile graced Sam's face, "You have to narrow that down a bit. Let me ask something, what did you guys do to your arrows? We've never seen green light that somehow eats demons. "

Oliver explained the blessings they had done, what had happened from his perspective during the last fight, showed them the figurine that Shado had carved and the video of his tattoo changing colors. He started to open up a bit about the island. He described Yao Fei and Shado, how they had saved him, he told the brothers more than he had ever told anyone before. The brothers sat there and listened. They listened to him and didn't judge him, didn't pity him. They listened, understood and most importantly believed what he said. When he finished they looked at each other, Dean spoke first.

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