Battles That Bring Shadows Part 4

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Through the pain they were feeling as the demon started to rip them to shreds Sam, Dean and Diggle watched Oliver in what seemed like a hopeless gesture. There was one of him and twelve or so of the strongest demons left. As Oliver ran they noticed that same green light that had come from the wounds his arrows caused seem to flicker and dance around Oliver. It was as if the light was coming from him, not the arrows anymore. Once he closed for battle they couldn't believe what they saw.

Oliver was reacting almost before the demons moved, it seemed as if he knew what the demons were going to do before they did it and Diggle had never seen him move that fast or with that much control in his movements. There was no hesitation, no thought, just pure movement. It looked like a fight scene from a martial arts movie. Demons went flying across the room or they were getting stabbed by the remaining arrows Oliver had. In a matter of six moves Oliver stabbed three demons, throw two across his back as they rushed him and kick one so hard in the face that blood came gushing out of it's nose and it fell back completely unconscious and twitching to the ground. The sheer level of destruction he was causing was splitting the attention of the demon that was pinning them to the wall slicing their skin to shreds. Dean managed to raise the shotgun up and shoot the demon in the face with his last salt filled shell. The three men dropped to the ground.

Oliver saw the men drop and the demon fall back as he reacted to the shot in the face, this was his chance. He pulled one of his flechettes and flung it at the demon's eyes, he wasn't going to take chances anymore. After he flung it he turned to break another arm and dislocate the knee of another attacker. What the Winchesters and Diggle hadn't been able to see but Oliver had was that whenever he connected a hit or touched a demon a small flash of green light erupted from his hands or feet. It seemed to stun the demons for a second, they grew progressively slower and he grew faster. He didn't know if he was somehow absorbing some sort of energy or what but he wasn't going to debate the ethics of the advantage it was giving him at the time.

He heard a scream from behind him, smashed another face in and turned to look. His aim had been dead on and the dart was lodged in the eye of the demon who had been hurting his friends, it screamed and screamed, black smoke poured out and the green light that followed this time formed well enough that Oliver at least could make out the shape of a small dragon devouring the black cloud. As soon as the black cloud was gone the remaining demons all screamed and left the bodies they were in and the people they were possessing fell to the ground, Oliver assumed most were corpses at this point.

He started to walk up to his friends when he saw their eyes widen, Oliver whirled around him, ready to attack whatever it was that presented itself, when he saw them; Shado and Yao Fei, they were semi-transparent and flickering with that same green light. They walked up to him, holding each other's hands. The stopped and held out their free hands in a gesture for Oliver to join them. He reached out and clasped the shadowy hands and instantly felt a warmth filling him. He heard Shado say very softly "You have become the warrior I always saw in you."

Yao Fei spoke, "You not only survived, you became stronger. Never forget that, you survived." They shimmered into a shadowy dragon and disappeared. Oliver felt tears running down his face and he fell to his knees, exhausted.

Sam and Dean had no idea who the spirits were or how they had managed to hurt the demons but they currently didn't care. They were bleeding from several cuts on their arms, chests and legs.

Sam pushed the button on his earpiece."Felicity I think we won but we need help. Are the kids safe? "

"Yes, I took them to a Catholic hospital, dropped some names, paid a lot of money and told them not to ask questions. What do you need?" She asked

"First aid kits. Thanks," Sam replied. The people that had been possessed and had survived the experience were starting to come around and Sam had no idea what to tell them or what condition they were in. Right now though he could barely move so helping anyone else was a bit out of the question.

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