All Paths Lead to the Roofs

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CHAPTER 8 All Paths Lead to the Roofs

When he got to the roof Oliver stopped and turned back to the warehouse. He could get a decent view of it from this location. He grabbed the infrared goggles and put them on, instantly he was blinded when he looked at the walls of the warehouse. They glowed red hot, like the walls themselves were emitting heat. He ripped off the goggles and turned to face the brothers.

"Here look through these. Can you explain this? " He handed the goggles to Dean who peered through them.

"Damn! That's some serious spell work." Dean said and handed the goggles to Sam so he could take a look.

"Well, that's something we haven't seen before. I guess it makes sense that rituals would emit some sort of heat or energy. You can pick up spirits on cameras but not always see them. We should start packing these, be nice to know if we are entering a magically protected or possessed building before we get attacked for once," Sam said.

"What does this mean? " asked Oliver. Sam and Dean looked at each other, they knew what was going on inside the building but they weren't sure how much the Vigilante would believe what they would have to say. As if he sensed the reason for their hesitation he spoke.

"Look, you gentlemen seem to be the experts here. Those things are afraid of you and you have a weapon that stops them. Just tell me what it is, even if I don't accept what you have to say as reality I will suspend my skepticism to help stop this. "

"Well that's a first," Dean said, "If only all the people we had to help were as willing to listen as you are. Fine, they are trying to open a gate to hell and release more demons. The kids are a sacrifice to pull it off. Major rituals like this require major amounts of blood, pain and death. Lillith, that's the queen bitch demon, is coming here in two days to pull it off. Your little man made earthquake adventure brought out a lot of rage, anger, hate and pain in this city. All that stuff attracts demons like hyenas to a carcass. If she opens the gate, what this city suffered during that earthquake will look like a picnic by comparison. "

Oliver turned away from Dean and bowed his head, another wave of guilt and frustration at his inability to stop the Undertaking poured through him. He heard Sam's voice behind him.

"You tried to stop it didn't you? "

"Yes, tried and failed. 503 lives were lost, including the life of my best friend," Oliver replied.

Once again Dean was surprised at his brother's intuitive leaps. Oliver looked over his shoulder at Sam. Sam's eyes were haunted but filled with understanding of loss. Sam pushed his hair back from his face in what appeared to be a nervous gesture and somehow Oliver knew that these two men would be some of the few people who could understand what he felt and dealt with.

"Look," Sam continued "We've all been there. The past is the past though and we have to stop this now or those 503 lives will be just the beginning. "

"I know," Oliver took a breath and continued. "There are about thirty kids inside, and as I said about thirty nine demons. I got access to the most recent of the blueprints to the building. My plan tonight was to try to see the layout of where the kids and the guards were by using the goggles but that doesn't seem to be an option with this spell work or whatever blocking out everything. " Just then he heard Diggle in his ear.

"Oliver, I got a look inside the place. I have a rough idea of the layout and you're not going to like it at all. I'm heading back to where I parked. Meet you where I dropped you off in twenty minutes."

"Correction," Oliver said " I have a contact who got a look inside. He's meeting me in twenty minutes. Let me see if he is ok with meeting you two." Oliver walked away from Dean and Sam and spoke to Diggle

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