Battles That Bring Shadows

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Chapter 13 Battles that Bring Shadows

Sam and Dean were waiting outside when the limo pulled up.

"Well John wasn't kidding, Dean remarked. It parked in front of the brothers and John got out of the drivers side. Dean had wished John would have been a bit more forthcoming in the phone call as to what not to be surprised about. John was dressed in a suit and now that they could see him daylight they had to admit he made an impact. Standing maybe an inch shorter than Sam he was solid muscle and he had a lot of it. Dean figured John's arms were about twice the size of his and he probably could bench press both his and his brother's weight easily. John was all business as he stepped around to the passenger side door and opened it for Sam and Dean, his movements almost predatory as if he was expecting trouble. Dean wondered if Arrow and John had spent some time trying to prepare themselves for this. "Poor guys." Dean thought "There is no way to prepare for this.”

John opened the door and Dean looked in. He wasn't all that surprised to see Felicity Smoak sitting at the end of one of the seats. He was so tempted to ask her how Oliver was but he saw that she was trying very hard to hide being scared. He restrained himself and sat next to her. Sam slid in behind him and sat on the seat across from Dean and Felicity. John closed the passenger door, got back into the driver's seat and they drove off. Felicity stared at Dean and Sam as if unsure how to start the conversation.

"Hi, I'm Dean, this is Sam. Although you probably already know that, everyone else around here seems to,” Dean said. "You would be?"

"Felicity, I'm Felicity,” she said quietly. "I help the Vigilante sometimes. Anyway he wanted me to set you guys up with some things and John will tell you what's going on. These are earpieces. " She handed the brothers a small piece of electronics that they had never seen before. There was a button on one side and Dean figured that was supposed to face out. " You put them in like this. " She turned her head, moved her hair out of the way and demonstrated how to insert them. "When you push the button you can talk and we will all hear what you say. I will be watching you guys using these cameras over here and will let you know if something is trying to surprise you or if anyone needs help. I'll also monitor police scanners in case someone decides to call anything in. Not likely in that area of The Glades but you never know. We weren't quite sure what to do with the kids after you broke them out. We don't really have enough people to be waiting with a truck to take them somewhere to keep them safe. Any ideas?”

Sam looked at Dean. "We could…" Sam started

" way. She doesn't need to get her claws in anyone else. Second idea,” Dean replied. He was not going to bring Ruby in on this, not working with people who would have no idea what she really was.

"OK, realistically we are going to have about thirty kids who are panicked. Most won't be able to listen to instructions like step over the line of salt and stand in the middle of the circle. We won't have time to get them all in one place and draw a ring around them,” Sam stated.

"Sam," Diggle said from the front. "We got 100 lbs of salt and an outdoor stairway to the roof. Could we draw most of a circle, get the kids up the stairs to the roof and close it when they are all there? "

"That could work,” Sam replied. "Assuming nothing disturbs the rest of the circle while we are herding kids it would be perfect. "

"What if the salt was stuck to something? " Felicity asked.

"What do you mean?” Dean said.

"Well we could make a circle with double sided tape and pour the salt on it. Is it ok if the salt is covered with something? We can make a double layer of tape, one on the floor, pour the salt on it, then stick another layer of tape on top. That way the kids could run over it without breaking the circle right?”

"Why the hell have we never thought of that Sam!? " Dean exclaimed, " We cover up devil's traps and other spells all the time. Jesus! Felicity you're a genius!” She shot Dean a brief smile. Diggle looked in the rearview mirror.

"Felicity, I know what you're thinking and no. I won't let you and neither will he. You're supposed to turn on the recording, split, be our eyes, keep us safe and stay out of trouble. " Diggle saw her eyes narrow. Damn it.

"John, we're parking that truck about three hundred feet away. There won't be anything around there. What I was thinking was that we could rent another truck, park it behind one of the pumper trucks, make a taped salt circle in there and have the kids run into it. The circle should keep them safe and when they are all in it, the last one shuts the door and the brothers here drive off in it. I know where I need to be to make this work. I won't stray from that plan I promise,” she said. Diggle wasn't buying it but he wasn't going to argue with her in front of the Winchesters, he was going to clue Oliver in though.

He could see Sam mulling the plan over in his head., “It makes sense.”.

John felt he had to step in at this point. "This is all making the assumption that none of us get incapacitated and your tape holds. We need a backup idea."

Felicity stared at him, "I will drive it if you guys can't but only if there is no one else.” Diggle had been afraid of that. "He can't tell me no and he knows it. The kids are the priority. " Diggle found that he had no reply to that statement. He and Oliver were going to have to teach Felicity how to fight soon it seemed.

"Fine, but you tell him this. " Diggle wasn't mad at her but this was her idea so it was up to her to inform Oliver who would probably be livid.

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