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Chapter 11 Blessings

Diggle and Oliver arrived back at the club, Felicity had been quiet over the earpieces the whole night which was a bit odd for her and Oliver hoped she was ok. He planned to change into civilian clothes and go check on her as soon as he could. As they pulled up he saw Felicity's car.

"Damn it! That woman does not understand the concept of resting does she?" Oliver said. "She's going to hurt her back worse if she keeps this up."

"Look who's talking." Diggle muttered. Oliver shot him a bit of a glare as they headed into the basement.

"Felicity....." Oliver started to scold her when he was almost knocked over by the impact of the hug she gave him. She let go of Oliver and plowed right into Diggle to give him a huge hug as well.

"Hey, hey we're ok relax," Diggle said as he returned her hug. She looked at the men and they could see she had been crying.

"What's wrong? " Oliver asked and then reached out to steady her as she tried to limp back to her chair.

"They are real demons, you're fighting demons and...and," she gasped out in between sobs. "I was researching Sam and Dean and demons and, these things, they are just horrible. The things I found out, and then you said they were torturing kids and...." The tears started coming again. "I'm sorry, I just, I don't understand. I can't process this in my head. "

Oliver and Diggle exchanged glances, they had been so caught up in planning things that they hadn't really tried to process the fact that demons exist on an intellectual level. Felicity operated primarily on a rational, intellectual level and this whole series of events would not be something she could handle well. Neither of them were really sure what to say to make her feel better.

Diggle finally walked over and put his arms around Felicity."Yeah I guess we hadn't really thought about that. Look we're going to save those kids and take care of the demons," He said in a feeble attempt to calm her down.

"No Dig, you don't understand. If there's demons than that means there's a God right? I mean logically if you have one you have the other, so if God exists and has angels why aren't they dealing with this? Why do you guys have to go out and fight? Why do the Winchesters have to spend their life fighting these things? Why is there war, famine, all the bad things that happen? Why didn't he stop the Undertaking...." she started shaking. " I stopped attending services because I thought it was all just stories, but what if it isn't? I mean, we have killed people here and I helped. Does that mean I am going to go to some version of hell?"

Diggle looked helplessly at Oliver.

Oliver walked over and knelt down in front of Felicity. He reached up and wiped away some of the tears that were streaming down her face.

"I don't know the answers to any of those questions. I do know if there is a God and he thinks you should end up in hell for helping me and not going to church I would track him down and have a pointed conversation with him. Dig would be right behind me." Diggle squeezed her a bit harder so she would know that Oliver was right in his estimation. "No angels or anything else could stop us, if we had to we would go to hell and get you back. You of all people know how stubborn Dig and I are about the people we care about. " He smiled at her and he got a little bit of a smile from her in response.

"Thanks Oliver. I just, this is all just so much," she said.

"I know. Let's just break it down and remove all the oddities ok?" Oliver replied, "We need those water trucks, a box truck and probably about a hundred pounds of salt. I think we can take care of making the water holy after we get everything together. Can you track down some trucks for us? Just use the usual card to pay for them. Dig, call your friends and see if they can help, I'll pay them $200 a piece and your DJ friend, find out how much he would rent his gear for." Oliver was watching her face the whole time and he saw her slowly start to focus on the tasks at hand. She took some deep breaths and turned to her computers and started typing. "We probably need a generator or something to run all the DJ gear, see if you can find a large one for rent as well please." Her eyes grew more and more focused on her tasks, Oliver looked up at Diggle and nodded. Diggle bent down, kissed Felicity on the head and let her go so he could make some calls. His DJ friend at least would be up even though it was midnight. Oliver took a deep breath of his own, stood up and started switching out his gear.

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