Vigilante Meet Hunters

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                           CHAPTER 7 Vigilante, Meet Hunters

Oliver's idea of scoping the warehouse out during the day had mixed results. He and Diggle had been able to get close enough to get an idea of entries, exits, and some activity but it was very apparent that they were being watched and tracked. All the windows had been blacked out so there was no way of seeing inside where the kids were being held and although there was no official security types around they spotted about ten people guarding the place. They had two or three on the roof every time they passed by and others scattered at different doors. Oliver had tried to walk up to an entrance, looking like he was scoping out the place perhaps to buy it and he was pulled up quite short and told firmly and with some force that the building was not for sale. Oliver hadn't wanted to cause a scene or raise more suspicion so he calmly walked away apologizing for the inconvenience.

“Dig, they have this place locked down tight. Any ideas? "

“Come back at night with infrared goggles? We wouldn't have to be so close and we could see what was going on inside hopefully. " Dig replied.

“I have a feeling they are going to be watching the place even closer at night. I don't much like it but we don't really have any other options here. At least we know for sure this is the place, maybe Felicity can pull up some schematics of the building. That would give us some rough idea where the kids may be.” Oliver had never really tackled something like this. True he had attacked a mafia safe house that had about the same amount of guards but he knew his arrows would take down the guards. Right now he had no idea how effective any of his weapons would be. All he knew was that before he made a move he wanted to make sure the kids were indeed in that building and alive, if they confirmed that fact he would do everything he could to get them out of there.

They headed back to the club to get in touch with Felicity and see what she had found out. He had texted her the address of the building and a request to find some schematics or blueprints of it. Hopefully by the time they got there she would have something for them. As they pulled into the club he got a text from her.” Found them, log in as soon as you can. "

“Well Dig, she did it again,” Oliver said.

“You need to give that girl another raise man. Without her you and I would have been killed four or five times by now. Seriously.”

"I know, but I don't think she cares about money. I think she just loves doing this. I have to do something for her though." Oliver wasn't sure what would be a good thing to show his appreciation without sending a mixed message. He hoped that she wasn't getting feelings for him but lately he had noticed a shift in how she was perceiving him, perhaps he was overreacting. Either way that was not important at the moment. They opened the door into the basement room and Oliver signed into the webchat.

“ Ok, here we go.” Felicity launched right into the information, on the screen to the left she made a blueprint appear. “Now this is the most recent one I found, assuming there are unlisted additions or improvements this is what you will see. It's two floors, 20,000 sq feet in total between both floors. It was originally used as an automotive repair shop, then it got turned into a foundry and most recently it was a warehouse for a furniture company. I obviously don't know what equipment or whatever is still inside but this is the last listed layout. I also pulled up Google earth and although I don't know the date these shots were taken here's a shot of the roof that shows the building still had these skylights running along the center of the roof. Those might be good entry points for you guys. "

Oliver was not liking what he was seeing way too many office rooms and hiding spots for people to jump out of. Fortunately there was one huge area on the bottom floor and he could hope that they were holding the kids there but for all he knew they had them scattered around the building.

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