Welcome to Starling City

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CHAPTER 6 Welcome to Starling City

"Sam down!" Dean shouted as he fired over his brother. They had been on the way to Starling City and were about forty miles outside the city limits at a rest stop when out of nowhere they had been attacked by three demons. Dean fired the Colt and took one out, then got hit with a right hook that came out of nowhere and he went flying across the bathroom and cracked his ribs on a sink, fortunately he held onto the Colt. Sam had dropped out of the way of Dean's shot, then came up and nailed a demon under the chin. As the demon fell Sam rode him all the way down pummeling the demon's head against the cement when they landed on the ground. Dean rolled over and shot demon #3 as he went to jump on top of Sam with a knife. Demon #3 hit the ground, Demon #2 opened his mouth and black smoke came pouring out leaving Sam with nothing but an unconscious person beneath him.

“Where the hell did those guys come from?” Dean said as Sam came over to help him up. He winced with the pain "Damn cracked rib. I hate those.”

“ I don't know but apparently Ruby wasn't wrong. They are waiting for us,” Sam said.

“Well that's just peachy now isn't it. What are we going to do with this mess?" Dean walked over to the the person that until recently had been inhabited by a demon, felt for a pulse, there was none. He looked up to Sam and shook his head.

“Damn it…" Sam breathed out. “Well someone will be along at some point. We can torch the place, we don't have time to bury bodies.”

"That will attract too much attention. We're right off a major freeway here,” Dean countered.

“So what? We leave these bodies here for some person to find? That's not right Dean. Look if we set the fire right we will be long gone before it is noticeable. Go check to see if there are any cameras around outside.” Sam started ripping lights out of the wall to try to set a small electrical fire. Dean walked out and looked around for cameras. it looked like this rest stop was not monitored, most weren't but sometimes ones closer to major cities were. He opened the trunk of the Impala, grabbed the gas can and matches and headed back to the restroom and Sam.

"Here you go, let's do this and get going.” Dean started covering the bodies in gasoline. He always hated this part, especially since his contract was going to be up soon and he was going to be getting up close and personal with Hellfire and Brimstone. Sam started the electrical fire and Dean threw a match on the bodies then they turned and left.

Back on the road Dean took a breath and tried to calm the adrenaline that was still pumping through his system. The fact that they got jumped this far out made this whole situation a lot more serious. Lillith or whoever had demons to spare and that was never good.

"Hey there guys." Ruby said from the backseat. Dean jumped, the car swerved and he almost hit an oncoming car.

“You sadistic bitch. You just love doing that don't you?" He snapped at her.

“It's one of the few perks of demonhood, teleportation is one of everyone's favorite superpowers. Anyway, I narrowed down where they are in the city and you're going to need help. There's about forty of them in the building. I tried scoping out some virgins but they're so rare these days, especially in a big city,” she reported.

“We are not sacrificing a virgin in a spell to nuke forty demons,” Sam stated. He may be walking a dangerous road listening to Ruby but he had to draw the line somewhere.

“Ok, so you're plan would be?”

"How about we get eyes on this place and see if we can think of something before we go virgin sacrificing?” Dean retorted.

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