Battles That Bring Shadows Part 2

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 Sam and Dean had watched the conversation with interest. They looked at each other and remembered various women who had tried to get involved in their fights with the demons, vampires and the rest, most of it had ended badly for the women. Felicity it seemed was trying to become a more active part of the team but it was obvious she had no training, just a wealth of courage. Sam raised an eyebrow at Dean, suggesting that maybe they should say something to help John out and keep this courageous but clueless woman out of harm's way. Dean shrugged, he didn't want to get involved because her logic was flawless. He looked at her again, she was petite and pretty. Being blonde she reminded him of his mom and he was sure Sam was thinking about Jessica. Dean sighed and spoke up.

"Felicity, your logic is perfect but you don't know what you're up against here. If one of those demons comes for you and we aren't there to help the best outcome would be getting killed quickly. We can give you an amulet to keep you from getting possessed but then they will just rip you to shreds slowly. We have seen it countless times.” Her blue eyes met his and he saw the resolve that was in them as well as her intelligence.

"Dean, what happens to those kids if no one drives that truck? " Then she turned and looked out the window. The three men sat silently for a minute.

Diggle sighed, "Alright then, that's our backup plan. Now let me fill you in with everything that is going on. " The rest of the trip consisted of Diggle, Sam and Dean going over the plan. They pulled up to Queen Warehouse # 2 and Diggle spotted Oliver's bike. He was not looking forward to watching the conversation that Oliver and Felicity were going to have because he already knew Oliver was going to agree in the end. The result of that would be exposing her to way too much danger but what choice did they have.

As he pulled around the side he noticed the pumper trucks had arrived. He had picked up the DJ gear in the box truck earlier today. He and Oliver had loaded the salt into the limo before they left the club. All that was left to do was make the water holy and head out to the warehouse. Felicity and the brothers got out of the back of the limo, the Winchesters helped him load the salt into the cabs of the pumper trucks so he and Oliver could grab it and take it up top. Then they walked into the warehouse.

Oliver was there, standing by the table with some papers on it. He was in full Vigilante gear, he turned to face the group walking in. "Here's the instructions on how to turn the nozzles of the trucks on. Sam and Dean you are going to be driving one truck to the front parking lot and one to the back. Felicity will crank the speakers to full blast about two minutes before you get there. Aim the nozzles at a window, turn them on and then meet Dig on the east side of the warehouse where the staircase is.” Oliver looked at Diggle and saw in his expression that something had changed. "What's up John?" Diggle looked at Felicity and so did Oliver. Sam and Dean took a few steps back as this was about to get interesting.

"We came up with an idea to get the kids safe other than letting them run outside for their lives,” she said with a bit more steel in her voice than usual. Oliver had a feeling that he was not going to like what followed next. "I am going to go get another rental truck, we are going to make a protection circle in the back. I am going to use double sided industrial tape, create the circle, pour salt on it, cover that up with another layer of tape. Sam and Dean say that will keep the demons away from the kids. We can park that truck behind a pumper truck and set the other nozzle on the pumper to spray a wide field of water towards the truck where the kids are so the demons are less likely to get to it. Sam and Dean get the kids in the truck and then drive off. " Oliver waited. Felicity took a deep breath. "If something happens where they can't drive the truck off and you and John can't get there I will take the kids to safety.” The look she gave him told him she wouldn't take no for an answer.

Sam and Dean saw Oliver's hands tighten in a fist and his shoulders tense up, he was really not fond of this idea at all. Then they saw his hands relax and he walked up to Felicity.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked her in a very quiet voice. This whole idea scared the hell out of him but he was through underestimating Felicity. She had earned his respect and he had to show her that she was as much a part of this team as he or Diggle was.


Oliver took a deep breath, “Ok, but only if all four of us are incapacitated to a point that we cannot get there. Agreed?” He had to try to keep her safe somehow.

"Agreed." Diggle was stunned but then he started thinking about how the two of them had been interacting lately. Oliver had been underestimating her for awhile, something had happened to open Oliver's eyes to that fact. Oliver was quickly becoming a leader, Diggle was going to have to stop second guessing him. Sam and Dean shot a glance at each other. They both thought Oliver was taking a huge risk but they couldn't fault the reasoning behind the plan.

"Ok then, I think we are all set. Everyone ready?” Oliver asked.

"Almost,” Sam said, he reached into his jacket pocket. "Here wear these, they will keep you from being possessed. " He handed Diggle, Oliver and Felicity the protection charms they always had on hand now.

"Do you wear these too?" Felicity asked.

Sam smiled. The brothers pulled the collar of their shirts down to show their tattoos. "In our own way. At least we don't have to worry about forgetting to put them on in the mornings."

"That's it, let's do this,” Dean said. Sam picked up the instructions on how to work the trucks, he and Dean familiarized themselves the controls. Then the two of them popped open the tanks. They each pulled a blessed rosary from a bag they carried, said a prayer in Latin, made the sign of the cross and dropped the rosaries in.

Dean hopped off the back of one of the trucks. "Water is ready to go.”

"Can one of you come here and record the exorcism please? " Felicity called from the box truck, Sam went over and recorded the chant. Felicity tested the playback to make sure the file was good and her and Sam hopped out of the truck. She got in the cab of the truck and started pulling out, Sam and Dean headed to the pumpers, Dig to his car and they drove off. Oliver pulled his hood down, put on his helmet, pulled on a sweatshirt and sweatpants over the Arrow gear. He tucked the bow and arrows in a duffle bag and put the strap across his chest, got on the bike and followed the trucks.

Fortunately there was a Uhaul rental on the way, Felicity was going to drop the box truck off, Diggle was going to guard it. Then she was going to rent another truck and prepare the salt circle. They had given her a couple of bags of salt before she had pulled out of the parking lot. Sam and Dean were going to stage the water trucks about three blocks away and wait for Felicity to signal that she was ready to turn on the exorcism recording. Diggle was going to drive the truck the kids were going to end up in and park it behind one of the pumper trucks. Oliver's job in the meantime was to check things out, clue everyone in if things had changed and pray to every deity he could think of that nothing would go wrong.

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