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Muffled voices is all I hear on the other side of the wooden door as I sit here in the dark,  my patience slowly dropping as I wait for him.
What's taking him so long?
I sigh impatiently and continue to sit here in the dark until a loud voice startles me.
"We need those eggs!" A deep voice booms.
That must be King Mudbeard the Second.
"But sir, don't you think we should -" a nervous voice cuts in.
"I don't care about what you think we should do!" The first voice yells at the second one.
Yup, that's him.
I hear Mudbeard take a loud, deep breath.
What the pluck? Honestly, who breathes that loud? Like is he suffocating? Does he need an inhaler?
Sure sounds like he does.
Pfft. Fatty pork chop.
I know he can be very dramatic, so who knows? Maybe he really does have a breathing problem, considering that he's a pig and eats everything.
Heart issues possibly...
But then again, probably not.
"After we had been attacked by those birds and the red guy with the eyebrows, I've been mapping a new plan," the king says slyly.
"Okay, and that plan is?" the second pig asks impatiently.
Wait, plan?
I scoot closer to the door to hear better.
"We attack another island that is an ally to Bird Island, and then Bird Island would be caught off guard and will leave their island to help their friends, and we sneak onto Bird Island and steal the eggs!" Mudbeard proclaims proudly. "Those birds embarrassed me in front of my entire kingdom! I must show every living thing that I can't be beat!"
"So you're gonna prove to a tree that it can't beat you?" the second voice asks, sarcasm dripping in his voice.
For the first time in a while, I smile in a amusement as I try not to laugh, listening for more after I've calmed down.
"What?" Mudbeard asks, confus
"Well, considering that trees and other plants are living things," the second pig says slowly.
"Oh shut up!"
I hear a hoof pound loudly on a wall that's just right out the door, making me facepalm in frustration.
Doesn't this guy know that I have life I want to move on with?
Well, I used to have one but...
It kinda got destroyed by...
"Leonard, Mudbeard, uh, sir, I'm just gonna be honest. Um, I just don't, I um, I just don't think it's going to work," the second pig slowly stutters his opinion. "Also, what about the prophecy?"
Wait, prophecy?
Now that really catches my attention. I mean, I've heard of some random prophecy that supposedly popular during the Birdig War, but I don't actually know it.
It's probably some ancient riddle saying something stupid.
Okay, so I'll admit, I knew there was prophecy spreading like crazy across the islands, it's just that I didn't care to pay attention.
Besides, who does care?
I don't.
But yet, something urges me to strain to listen, curiosity getting the best of me.
"Ross, just think for a second, will ya? The birds attacked us at our island. They used a slingshot, but now they don't have it, it broke. They have no dynamite or TNT or planes, and even if they did have the slingshot, it would do them no good. They would only slingshot themselves right into our boats, and we take them as our prisoners. And as for the prophecy, it's not real, it's just a load of broken eggshells."
Wait, that's Ross?
Heck, he sounds a whole lot different.
Well, it has been years since I've last seen him...
"But there were two red birds on Bird Island, what if-"
"Ross, drop the prophecy, it's not real," Leonard demands.
"Okay," Ross breathes, sounding defeated.
I thought the only red birds alive live on my island. There's no way that's possible.
On Poldras Island, there are a few rare female cardinals who actually are fully red.
Just like...
My thoughts are interrupted by Leonard's voice.
"But we do have one problem."
"What's that?"
"No Ross, 'who's that' is what you should be asking," Leonard corrects Ross.
"Oh, well who's that?" Ross asks.
"Remember how I told you of a female bird with red, maroon ombré feathers?" Leonard asks, his hoof steps clipping off the floor.
"The same one that prevented your father's plan from being fulfilled?" Ross asks nervously.
"Yes," Leonard answers.
"The same one that killed your father?" Ross asks again.
"Yes, her! She's the same bird!" Leonard snaps angrily. "She's our problem."
Whoa, hang on a sec.
It can't be her, could it?
Nah, it can't be the bird I'm thinking of, I know it can't.
"How?" Ross asks, obviously not knowing where this conversation is going.
Seriously, anyone that's hundreds of miles away could hear how confused the pig is.
Okay, so maybe not hundreds of miles away, but still a pretty far distance.
"She's the only one powerful enough to stop us, so we need to stop her before it's too late." Leonard firmly states before pausing. "Ross, I need you to send a letter to the General, tell him of my plan. Oh, and we need to attack one island before we attack Bird Island."
"What's the name of the island?" Ross asks, carelessness fills his voice.
"Poldras Island," Leonard answers.
I feel my eyes widen as thoughts fly in circles in my mind.
Two red birds on an another island, another miscellaneous bird who also happens to be the color of red, Poldras Island, prophecy...
Oh no.
But she's dead.
Isn't she?
This isn't good.
My thoughts are interrupted once more.
"Ross, one more thing, we'll also be taking down pretty, red ombré bird," Leonard tells the smaller pig.
"What's pretty bird's name?" Ross carelessly asks.
Leonard darkly smiles, "Crimson."
I thought she died during the war on that prison island.
No bird could find her, or well, I couldn't find her.
Maybe pulled a prank, she's been known to do that kind of stuff.
But not during a serious matter like a battle...
Wait, what about her sister Rosie?
How is it that I just now remember those two?
"But we're gonna need a little help," Leonard continues.
My thoughts stop.
"Where's that help coming from?" Ross sighs in irritation. I hear hoofsteps walking in my direction. A sudden rush of unease fills me, but I push it away with determination and anger as I crawl away from the door.
He's using me, I'm being forced to do this.
But if I wanna get out of here alive and find Crimson, I'm gonna have to go along with his dark scheme.
Which really, I have no idea what fire he's playing with, but whatever, I know what I have to do.
... Okay, fine, so I think I know what I have to do.
The door squeaks open.
Okay Draven, put on that tough mask that you've been using for years.
"We're gonna get help from him," Leonard says as he points at me.
I look up and glare at the large pig.
"We need you," Leonard flatly states.
I want to knock him down and get outta this hell-hole, but yet, I smile darkly as I stand up and look at him.
I look at him, then avert to the smaller pig, and then back to him.
"He's a professional," Mudbeard briefly explains to Ross.
Hmm, professional.
Why not crack the ice a bit?
"Hey, wassup?" I greet slowly as I smirk at them, fist bumping Ross. "You both look like you've been ejected from playin in a football game. Playin too dirty, especially with the cheerleaders?"
I really hate myself because that is by far the worst joke I've ever told.
I hope I somehow get amnesia and forgot I said any of that.
Ross looks at Mudbeard, who happens to be laughing, well more like snorting, unamused.
"A professional, right."
"Yes, he is," Mudbeard assures the smaller pig once he's stopped his weird, pig-like laughter.
"He seems more like a prisoner, considering that you threw him in a cell," Ross snorts, rolling his eyes as he crosses his arms. "Real professional, lemme tell ya."
Finally! Someone who understands!
I throw my wings up in relief that someone here finally comprehends what I'm being put through.
"Thank you! I've been trying to tell him that for the longest time," I tell Ross sarcastically as I look at Mudbeard.
"You know, being thrown in a cold, dark cell with no company is real nice. It really feels like home."
"Did you even ever have a home?" Mudbeard asks flatly as he holds out his hooves as he makes a point.
And that point he makes, stabs me internally.
I blink at him, not really knowing what to say.
No, no I haven't.
And when I did have one, I lost it.
No, not it.
I push away the pain and feelings as I continue talking.
"Wow, geez, thanks," I answer flatly as I roll my eyes.
"Anytime," Mudbeard tells me, gladness hinting in his voice.
Oh boy.
"Whatever, what do you want?" I snap at him, crossing my wings.
"Ah, yes, I need you to lead us to Poldras Island," Leonard demands me.
"You've seriously been there before," I point out to him. "You should know where it is."
"Like I remember how to get to an island that I haven't been to in over ten years," Mudbeard snaps at me. "Just do as I ask of you!"
"It's only been a year and a half," Ross mumbles as he looks at the wooden floor, his arms crossed.
Just go with the flow, Draven, and everything will turn out fine.
I force myself to go along with him, playfully mocking as I bow.
"Aye aye, Captain."
I just hope everything ends well.

Book One: Lost and Found: An Angry Birds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now