Your Our's Now

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This is still in Niall's POV-   I woke up as I saw light pouring into the room then I tried moving around on the bed that I was laying on, but I couldn't move at all and my body felt numb and I started to panic "Help Help." I yelled,but it came out muffled  "Hi Kitten." The Curly haired one said as he walked into the room followed by the Raven haired one as they climbed onto the bed as they got up to me  "So Kitten I'm Harry and this is Zayn and you are ours now."  Harry said  "So what's your name Angel?" Zayn asked as he took the cloth out of my mouth "Niall." I said quietly  "Well Niall that's a beautiful name for an Angel." Zayn said  "Why did you guys kidnap me?" I asked them a little louder  "Because we were watching you for awhile and we fell in love with you and you are just so adorable and cute that we had to get you to be ours before someone else did so that is why we took you Kitten." Harry said  "You guys couldn't have just done the normal thing of getting to know me first instead of stalking me and then kidnapping me and no fucking way I am yours." I stated seriously  "We could have ,but what would be have been the fun in that and you are wrong Kitten you are ours." Harry said as he hit me on the bum hard making me yelp in pain "Yeah and Angel watch that language because we don't want those bad words to ruin that pretty little mouth of yours." Zayn said "You are a virgin still yes Kitten?" Harry asked  "I'm not telling." I said   "Yes he is I can tell it's written all over his face." Zayn said  "Ok fine I'm still a virgin." I said  "Perfect Kitten just perfect." Harry said and I got a bad feeling about this  "So Kitten have you ever been kissed on the mouth before?" Harry asked  "No." I said  "Good. " Harry said  "Why are you asking me these dumb questions?" I asked  "Because Kitten I'm just trying to get to know you like you wanted." Harry said  "Well those questions aren't what I meant by that." I said  " I know Kitten, but I just had to ask." Harry said  "Why do you keep on calling me Kitten?" I asked him  "It suites you cause you are cute and adorable like a Kitten so that's why I call you Kitten." Harry said  "Can't you just call me Niall?" I asked him  "No sorry Kitten I just love calling you Kitten." Harry said  "Ok whatever then what do I call you two?" I asked  "You can call me Daddy." Harry said  "And you can just call me Zayn." Zayn said   "Ok." I said,but I still didn't like this whole situation  "We aren't going to hurt you Kitten, but if you misbehave we will punish you though we aren't scary once you get use to us you'll see." Harry said  "I want to go home." I said  "This is your home now Kitten." Harry said "This isn't my home." I said  "Yes it is Angel." Zayn said then I yawned and I still felt really tried "Ok Kitten you rest ok we'll be back later." Harry said as he kissed me on the cheek again then Zayn kissed me on the forehead "Sweet dreams my sweet Angel." Zayn said so I just looked at him then I closed my eyes and I ended up falling asleep again. I woke up and I saw that it was dark "Wow I must have been sleeping for a long time." I thought to myself  "Hello my  Kitten." Harry said as he laid on the bed next to me "Hi." I said "So how are you feeling Kitten and are you hungry? " Harry asked  "I'm feeling ok and yes I'm hungry." I said  "Ok good well Zayn is making dinner right now and I though that I would come up and see my cute little Kitten." Harry said  "Well that was nice of you." I said  "I'm glad that you think that way Kitten. "Harry said as he smiled at me, but I don't know if I liked his smile or not because I couldn't decide if it was a happy smile or a creepy smile "So how old are you Kitten?" Harry asked  "I'm 18 how old are you?" I asked him "I'm 20 Kitten." Harry said  "Ok." I said  "So what do you like to do Kitten?" Harry asked  "Well shouldn't you already know that since you two stalked me." I sassed him then Harry hit me on the bum again as I yelped in pain  "Not really Kitten now tell me what you like to do? and no sass Kitten" Harry asked me  "Ok ok I like playing the guitar, sleeping, and eating." I said  "Can you sing Kitten?" Harry asked  "A little." I said  "Perfect one day you'll have to sing and play for Zayn and I Kitten." Harry said  "Ok." I said  "You are such a good boy Kitten,but I can make you become a naughty little boy." Harry said smirking  "Ummmm.." I said  "I'm joking Kitten." Harry said as he laughed a little "Oh ok." I said as I laughed a little bit to. Once we stopped laughing Harry said "Your laugh is so cute." before I knew what I was doing I smiled at him "You have such a cute smile Kitten." Harry said I just blushed a little bit "Awww you are to cute Kitten." Harry said I just blushed harder  "My cute little Kitten." Harry said happily. Then Zayn walked in carrying pancakes "Dinner time." Zayn said as he fed me after he fed me he gave me some water then him and Harry ate, but they never stopped looking at me which wired me out a little bit. Once they were done eating Zayn took the dirty dished downstairs leaving Harry and I alone all of a sudden Harry was way to close in my personal space, but before I even had the chance to say something to him his lips crashed into mine and I had no idea what to do after a few seconds Harry stopped kissing me "You are suppose to kiss back Kitten." Harry said  "Oh ok." I said Then Harry kissed me on the lips again, but this time I kissed him back and it was a wonderful feeling that I has inside when Harry kissed me  after awhile Harry stopped kissing me  "You are such a great kisser Kitten." Harry said  "You aren't to bad of a kisser yourself Daddy." I said  "Well Kitten I like it when you call me Daddy it's kind of turns me on." Harry said  "Oh ok Daddy." I said smirking  "Don't tease me Kitten." Harry said "Ok." I said  "I have to go take care of something so Zayn will be here to watch you ok."Harry said  "Ok." I said then Harry kissed me on the lips one last time before he got off of the bed and he walked out of the room. A few minutes later Zayn came in and he sat on the bed next to me  "Hi Angel." Zayn said  "Hi." I said "So Angel can I kiss you?" Zayn asked  "Sure." I said then his lips touched mine and we kissed for awhile until we broke off for air then we made out after we stopped I saw that Harry was back "Alright bedtime you two." Harry said as he laid down next to me and Zayn laid on the other side of me then they both cuddled me and I feel asleep before they did and for once I felt really happy and safe and i loved the feeling.  

Taken and Loved (A Narry/Ziall) AUWhere stories live. Discover now