Falling for them

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Niall's POV- I woke up untied an ungaged on a beautiful king sized bed, but Harry and Zayn were no were to be found. So I walked out of the room and I found my way to the kitchen where Harry was making breakfast "Good morning Kitty." Harry said happily "Good morning Daddy." I said Harry just smirked then he smiled at me "Sit Kitten." harry said  "Ok." I said so I sat on a chair at the table. A few mintues later Zayn came into the kitchen "Good morning Hazzy and Good morning Angel." Zayn said as he kissed Harry then he kissed me "Good Morning Zee." Harry said "Good morning Zaynie." I said  Zayn just smiled at us once he did that my heart started beating so fast I knew that I was falling for them hard then Harry set my breakfast in front of me and I ate it and I drank some orange juice then they both ate after that we all cuddled and watched a film on the telly.  Louis's POV-  It's been at least three days since Niall went missing and I'm going to find him and I had already know who took him it was those two guys who grabbed him a few weeks earlier so they must have come back to kidnap Niall "Don't worry Nialler I'll find you." I thought so after my shifts most nights at the bar I used all of my spare time to look for Niall and I looked and looked, but still no closer to finding him. All of a sudden my phone rang and it was Niall's number so I picked it up "Niall are you ok?" I asked  "Hi Lou and yes I'm fine I'm just with my two new boyfriends so you don't have to look for me I'm safe." Niall said  "Oh so when are you going to come visit Nialler?" I asked  "Soon Lou I miss you so much Boobear."  Niall  said  "I miss you so much to Nialler." I said sadly then I heard a voice yell "Niall put that phone down you naughty boy."  "I have to go Lou Love you." Niall said quickly  "Wait Ni." I said, but he hung up "Darn it I have to find Niall because I just have to see him again and really soon." I thought. So I closed my phone and I walked out of my house as I walked to the park just to get some air and I just really hope that Niall was ok.    Niall's POV-  I quickly shut the phone and I put it away once I turned around I saw Harry standing there "Bad boy Kitten." Harry said "You saw that?" I asked  "Yes Baby Boy now on the bed I have to punish you." Harry said so I quickly got onto the bed then Harry pulled me into his lap as he pulled my pants and boxers down "Ok Kitten I'm giving you twenty spanking for being a bad boy and for using your phone without my permission and when I punish you call me Sir not Daddy." Harry said  "Yes Sir." I said then he spanked me twenty on the bum then I was a sore and crying mess after he was done punishing me. Then he cuddled me  "I'm sorry Daddy." I said crying "I forgive you Kitten and I'm not mad at you." Harry said afterwhile I clammed down then Harry put some cream on my butt to help it feel better then he pulled my boxers back up, but he let me have my pants off to help my bottom feel better "Rest Kitten I'll be back soon ok." Harry said  "I'm not tired Daddy." I said  "Ok then Baby Boy then you can go hang out with Zayn since I have to take care of some business." Harry said "Ok Daddy." I said as Harry left the room then I went downstairs looking for Zayn then I found him in the living room watching tv  "Zaynie." I said as I hugged him "Hey Angel." Zayn said as he kissed me on the lips and we ended up making out and it was amazing after we stopped making out I laid on top of him so we laid together on the couch "You are the best Angel so will you be our boyfriend?" Zayn asked "Yes." I said "I knew that you couldn't resist us Baby Boy." Zayn said smirking "Don't push your luck Zaynie." I said  "You are just to cute Angel." Zayn said smiling and I just laughed  "Everything about you is adorable that I could just eat you up Niall." Zayn said as he peaked my lips then I just smiled at him.  "Such a beautiful smile Babe  I knew that Harry and I made a good choice when we picked you." Zayn said "Maybe so." I said smiling  "I think that we defiantly did." Zayn said as he kissed my cheek and I just laughed again since I was a bit nervous cause of all of Zayn's affection ,but I really liked it  "My cute little Angel so how about tomorrow I take you to go get some ice cream would you like that Baby?" Zayn asked  "Yes Zaynie." I said happily "I'm glad Baby, but I have to ok it with Harry first ok." Zayn said  "Ok." I said  "Don't worry Babe I can be very persuasive." Zayn said  "Ok Zaynie." I said as I kissed his cheek then he smiled at me. Harry walked in an hour later and he was carrying some bags from different stores  "I bought you some new clothes Kitty." Harry said  "Thank you Daddy." I said happily "You are welcome Baby Boy." Harry said smiling as he walked upstairs bags in hand once Harry came back downstairs he grabbed me and he put me in his arms cuddling me "Daddy." I said  "Kitten." Harry said smiling as he kissed my face all over and I started gigging  "You are so cute Kitten." Harry said then Harry cuddled with me for awhile until Zayn took me back to cuddle as well.

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