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Niall's POV-  I came around awhile later with bruises all over my body and I was tied down to a table with Liam standing over me holding a knife  "Oh Cutie now I've really got to punish you." Liam said with a crazy smirk on his face then I tried to say something, but nothing came out "Gag Cutie now get down to some fun." Liam said then he brought the knife to my hip as he started craving a little LP into it and it hurt so bad that I passed out.  I came around and I was face to face with Liam "Ok Cutie now time for the fun part #2." Liam said then I looked down at myself and I wasn't wearing anything expect for my boxers "Oh no not again." I thought  "You need to relax Cutie or this is going to hurt a lot." Liam said I didn't want this to happen this was bad  "Help me Harry and Zayn." I thought  as I felt Liam get on top of me then he started kissing my neck again and damn it was turning me on, but I couldn't let him do this. All of a sudden their was a knock on the door so Liam hurried off of me then he got redressed as he raced out of the room locking the door behind him and I was thankful for that knock on the door.  Harry's POV-  I knocked on Liam's house door that we found thanks for Louis's tracking skills then Liam came to the door "What do you want Styles?" Liam asked me seriously "I want my boyfriend back and we have your damn money just give me Niall back." I said  "Give me the money first." Liam said "Show me that Niall is ok first then you will get your money." I said seriously "Ok I'll be right back." Liam said as he shut the door then he came back a few minutes later holding Niall who was tied up and gagged "He's ok now give me my money or I will kill him." Liam threatened "Fine." I said as I handed Liam the money then he through Niall at me as I caught him then I cut the ropes off and I ungagged him then he started sobbing "Shhh Kitten it's ok I'm here your safe now. I said trying to clam my sobbing boyfriend down  "Daddy it was horrible Liam hit me and he tied me up and he did bad stuff to me and he kept me without clothes on now I just want to go home." Niall said sobbing "I'm sorry Kitten now lets get you home." I said as I picked him up in my arms as I carried him to the car and then I handed him to Zayn "Oh Angel my pervious little Angel I've missed you so much." Zayn said as he held Niall tightly  "Zaynie I'm scared." Niall said still sobbing Zayn just kissed Niall on the forehead  "I'll protect you Angel I promise that I won't let anyone hurt you again." Zayn said so I just smiled at my boys then I got into the car as I drove us home. Zayn's POV-  I took Niall inside our house as I cuddled with him on the couch the poor little Angel was shaking and he wouldn't stop crying I will kick Liam's ass for hurting my Baby Boy. He stopped crying after a few hours then he looked up at me "Kisses?" Niall asked  "Of course Angel." I said as I peaked his lips then he giggled a little "That's my boy." I said  "I love you and Harry." Niall said "We love you to Angel and we are so glad that you are back with us." I said as I kissed his forehead. Niall stayed close to Harry and I and we were ok with that then we cooked Niall a wonderful dinner and we gave him so many cuddles as he feel asleep in our arms safe and sound which made me very happy that my Angel back. I carried Niall up to our room and I put one of my shirts on him after that I laid down cluddling him then Harry came into bed cluddling us as we both fell asleep holding onto Niall.  Niall's POV- The next morning  I laid on Zayn's chest as I kissed his nose then he woke up and he kissed me on the lips it lasted awhile until he stopped "I've missed that." I said  "I've missed that to." Zayn said as he kissed my cheek and I just smiled so big at him. Then Harry woke up as he took me from Zayn then he kissed me on the lips and it lasted awhile once we stopped I blushed "That's my adorable Kitten I'm so glad that you are safe now because Zayn and I were so worried about you." Harry said  "I'm sorry Daddy." I said ashamed  " Oh no Baby Boy don't apologize it's all ok now where's that smile that I love so much." Harry said so I smiled "There it is." Harry said smiling as well. I felt so happy just to be with Harry and Zayn and to be away from Liam. All of a sudden Harry's phone went off, but he didn't answer the call "Babe who was that?" Zayn asked "It was Liam Zee." Harry said  "Why Hazzy I thought that we were done with him?" Zayn asked " I don't know Babe." Harry said I just started shaking when I heard his name  "Kitten it's ok I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Harry said  "No it's not your fault Daddy I just don't like hearing his name it scares me." I said  as I started to clam down a little "Then we won't  talk about him Kitten." Harry said  " Thank you Daddy." I said  "Anything for my Kitten." Harry said as kissed me on the forehead which made me clam down all the way. I just was very happy to know that I was so loved and cared for by Harry and Zayn also I knew that I would always be safe with them and someday I 'll be Niall James Styles Malik and that would be a great day. I had the perfect like right now and I never want it to end because I was the happiest boy in the world.

Taken and Loved (A Narry/Ziall) AUWhere stories live. Discover now