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Niall's POV- Louis ate lunch and dinner with us "It's been nice, but I must be going." Louis said "Why don't you stay the night Louis It's getting late." Harry offered "I would love to spend the night to spend more time with Niall and thank you Harry." Louis said "You are welcome Louis." Harry said "Angel go help Louis get the room settled please." Zayn said "Sure Zaynie." I said as I lead Louis up to the guest room as I helped him get settled "I'm going to get some sleep night Ni." Louis said "Ok goodnight Boobear." I said as I gave him a quick hug then I walked back to Harry and Zayn then we cuddled in the living room watching tv "Kitten we love you so much and we will never hurt you again." Harry said "I love you guys to Daddy and I know." I said then Harry and Zayn kissed both of my cheeks "We have to move tomorrow Kitten." Harry said "Why Daddy?" I asked "Kitten it's important so that we can't get caught and we can't have anyone knowing our location Baby Boy and I know it's hard, but we have to do it to keep you safe." Harry said "Ok Daddy." I said a bit sadly "Don't be sad Angel it will all be ok." Zayn said "Ok Zaynie." I said, but I didn't really want to leave again and I honestly think that Zayn and Harry were keeping something from me or maybe not I'll just have to see then Harry took me from Zayn as he started to rock me is his arms gently that it calmed me down so much that I feel asleep. The next morning I woke up on Harry's lap in the seat of a black car with tinted windows "Where are we going Daddy?" I asked "It's a surprise Kitten." Harry said then he pulled out a bottle of water "Here drink this Kitten it's going to be a long ride." Harry said as he handed the bottle of water to me "Thank you Daddy." I said as I drank the bottle of water after I did I felt really tried so I ended up falling back asleep on Harry's lap with my head in his chest. I woke up on a large bed with Zayn right next to me "Did you have a good nap Angel?" Zayn asked "Yes I did Zaynie." I said "Good. Zayn said all of a sudden we heard Harry scream "Stay here Angel I'm going to go check out what wrong with Harry." Zayn said as he walked out of the room as he left me alone I was so scared I just hope that Harry and Zayn will be alright. All of a sudden a tall brown haired brown eyed man walked into the room "Well hello there Cutie." He said "Hi." I said nervously "What's your name Cutie?" He asked coming closer to me "Niall what's your name?" I asked " Well Niall that's a lovely name and my name is Liam Payne." Liam said "What are you doing here Liam? "I asked "Well Cutie you two boyfriends owned me some money, but they didn't have it so my boys knocked them out and tied them up,but now I see what's more important than money to them." Liam said "Are they ok and what do you mean by that?" I asked "Yes Cutie they are fine and You of course you are the key to their hearts Niall." Liam said "Oh." I said "So you need to come with me Niall." Liam said "No." I said seriously "I wasn't asking." Liam said seriously as he got on the bed and once he reached me he grabbed me by the waist as he pulled me off the bed I was struggling against him "Stop struggling now Niall or I will have my boys kill your little boyfriends." Liam threatened me so I stopped struggling "Good boy Cutie." Liam said as he carried me down the stairs in his arms once we got into the living room I saw two boys pointing guns at Zayn and Harry who were tied up once they saw me with Liam they looked mad "Liam put him now." Zayn said seriously then the boy who has blonde hair punched Zayn in the face "Zaynie." I yelled "No Zayn you know what I'm taking this little Cutie until you two come up with my money then you can have him back." Liam said "Don't hurt him." Harry said "Oh Harry I'm not going to hurt him he's to cute to hurt ,but Cutie and I must be going come on Luke and Ashton we are leaving." Liam said "Yes Boss." They said as they put theri guns away as they walked to Liam and I then Liam walked out of the house with his boys not that far behind. I saw a black Hummer so Liam opened up the back of the car as he laid me down on my back then he tied my wrists up tightly then he did the same to my ankles then he held my chin and made me look at him "Now you are going to be quite and not make a sound through out this ride or I will punish you understand Cutie?" Liam asked "Yes I understand." I said "Good boy." Liam said as he took out a white cloth and he forced it into my mouth then he tied it in the back tigthly then he let my chin go then he shut the back of the car as I just laid there scared out of my mind and I just wanted Harry and Zayn right now because they were my home and I loved them so much. The Hummer started moving and I had no idea where Liam was taking me all I knew is it wasn't anywhere good I just hope that Harry and Zayn can get me back from Liam cause I don't want to be with Liam. I knew that I was in danger I would just have to be strong!

Taken and Loved (A Narry/Ziall) AUWhere stories live. Discover now